Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Lab8 - Root Filesystem 2015/11/10/ 22 1
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Learn how to build your own root filesystem for PXA /11/10/ 22 2
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Host System Windows XP Build System VirtualBox + Ubuntu 8.04 Target System Creator XScale PXA270 Software Compiled toolchain BusyBox version.h Script for mknod Inittab rcS mkfs.jffs2 utility You can find all software on CSL Course Software.CSL Course Software 2015/11/10/ 22 3
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University A file system is a method of storing and organizing computer files and their data. A root filesystem is the file system that is contained on the same partition on which the root directory, i.e., / in Linux, is located. The exact contents of the root filesystem will vary according to the computer, but they will include the files that are necessary for booting the system. 2015/11/10/ 22 4 Reference: linfo: root filesystem,
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Root filesystem follows FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standard). FHS has the guideline of your filesystem. 2015/11/10/ 22 5
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Some well-known filesystems Windows: FAT, NTFS Mac OS X: HFS Plus, UFS Linux: ext*, XFS, JFS, ReiserFS We will use JFFS2 & ext2 in this lab. JFFS2 (Journaling Flash File System Version 2) A journaling file system. Writable, compressed, power-down-reliable file system. ext2 (The second extended filesystem) A non-journaling file system. Writable. 2015/11/10/ 22 6
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Step 1: create a folder for placing root filesystem content. % mkdir $HOME/ Step 2: create the essential directories. % cd % mkdir etc lib var proc mnt dev tmp 2015/11/10/ 22 7
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University To compile BusyBox, we need to install another cross-compiler. Step 1: download cross-compiler (cross tar.bz2). Step 2: extract the compiler. % tar jxvf cross tar.bz2 Step 3: move files to specified location. % sudo mkdir –p /usr/local/arm % sudo mv /usr/local/arm Step 4: append installation directory (bin) to PATH. Test new cross-compiler. % arm-linux-gcc -v 2015/11/10/ 22 8
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University BusyBox contains a collection of stripped-down Unix utilities into a single executable. Why BusyBox? You don’t have to configure and build the sources of each utility. Step 1: download BusyBox (busybox-1.00.tar.gz). Step 2: extract the source codes. Step 3: copy header from kernel source codes of Lab5. % cd busybox-1.00 % cp –R /pxa270/linux/include/linux include 2015/11/10/ 22 9
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Step 4: download Linux verison.h. % cp version.h include/linux Step 5: configure BusyBox. % make menuconfig Build Options Networking Utilities 2015/11/10/ 22 10
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Step 6: compile BusyBox. % make Step 7: install BusyBox. % make install Step 8: move files to your root filesystem folder (slide7).slide7 % mv _install/* 2015/11/10/ 22 11
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Device files allow user programs to access hardware devices on the system through the kernel. The kernel just relies on device file’s type and major number to find which driver manages this device. 2015/11/10/ 22 12
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University The official information for device major and minor numbers can be found in Documentation/devices.txt under the kernel source codes. We can use mknod command to create device files in Linux, e.g., if we want to create a character ttyS0 device with major number 4 and minor number 64: % mknod ttyS0 c /11/10/ 22 13
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University For the convenience, we use a script to create related device files for our root filesystem: download % cp /dev % cd /dev % sudo sh % rm 2015/11/10/ 22 14
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Step 1: add configuration file used by first user-space program (i.e. /sbin/init ). % download inittab. % cp inittab /etc inittab describes which processes are started during bootup. The entry syntax of inittab. id: runlevels:action:process ::sysinit:/etc/rcS ::askfirst:/bin/sh sysinit: execute the process during system boot askfirst: prompt “Please press Enter to activate this console.” before execution Some other actions: respawn, ctrlaltdel 2015/11/10/ 22 15
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Step 2: add system initialization script ( rcS ). % download rcS. % cp rcS /etc Step 3: change permission. % cd /etc % chmod 777 inittab rcS Please refer to the website below for more information. /11/10/ 22 16
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Step 1: make a JFFS2 file system image. (Download mkfs.jffs2 ) mkfs.jffs2 % chmod +x mkfs.jffs2 %./mkfs.jffs2 -v -e 0x pad=0xf r -o rootfs.jffs2 You can see the mkfs.jffs2 usage by executing without arguments. (Optional) Step 1: or a ext2 file system image. Install genext2fs package in Ubuntu % genext2fs -b d -e 0 rootfs.ext2 Please refer to the website below for the genext2fs usage. /11/10/ 22 17
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Step 2: now, you can copy rootfs.* image to PXA270. If you choose ext2 format for your root filesystem, you need to change rootfstype in bootargs environment variable in U-Boot. u-boot$ setenv bootargs root=/dev/mtdblock3 rw rootfstype=ext2 console=ttyS0,9600n8 mem=64M ip=... u-boot$ saveenv 2015/11/10/ 22 18
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Recall Lab5, if we want to change the size of filesytem, we need to modify creator_pxa270_partitions[] in Linux kernel. Also, the corresponding arguments are required to be set in mkfs.jffs2 and genext2fs commands, e.g. a 15M root filesystem. %./mkfs.jffs2 -v -e 0x pad=0xf r -o rootfs.jffs2 % genext2fs -b d -e 0 rootfs.ext2 2015/11/10/ 22 19
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Now, please refer to previous slides to increase the size of your root filesystem to 20M and add tftp, lsmod, insmod, rmmod utility. It will take about 8 minutes to copy new 20M root filesystem. You can use “ df -h ” command to check the size. You can add tftp client utility in BusyBox. You can add lsmod, insmod, rmmod commands in BusyBox. These commands are under “Linux Module Utilities”. You need to check the support of 2.6.x Linux Kernels. 2015/11/10/ 22 20
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University 2015/11/10/ xA xA RAM U-Boot Flash 0x x x diag 0x x Linux kernel 1 Root Filesystem 0x U-Boot parameters 0x U-Boot 0xA3F80000 For lab8 Question
Lab 8 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University Show that you can use tftp on your Linux kernel which has a 20M filesystem. Please hand in your lab report to the FTP. Server: Username: csl2015 Password: csl2015HomeWork Directory: lab7,8 Please use this format for filename: “G# Ver#”, where G# is your group id and Ver# is revision version number. E.g., G1 Ver2 2015/11/10/ 22 22