Healthy Soil: Dirt for Lunch
Where Does Our Food Come From? Grocery Store Restaurant School
Where does the food from the grocery store come from? Farms Plants Animals
All Food Starts with SOIL
Keeping Soil Healthy X
Let’s Watch a Video! It All Starts with the Soil!
All Food Starts with SOIL Potatoes Start with Soil Grown in Soil Cooked Eaten
All Food Starts with SOIL Chicken Starts with Soil Grass Grows in SoilChickens Eat Grass People Cook & Eat Chicken
Where did Your Lunch Come From? Lunch Menu Breaded Chicken Patty Chickens eat grass and other grains Whole Wheat Bun Wheat is a plant that is grown in the soil Spinach Salad Spinach is a plant that is grown in the soil Shredded Carrots Carrots are grown in the ground Apple Slices Apples grow on trees, which grow in the soil
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Polite Bite Rules: 1.Take at least one bite 2.Only say polite things
Where Does Our Food Come From?