Blake Archer
October 27, January 6, 1919 Vocation:26 th President, 25 th Vice President, 33 rd Governor of New York, and Assistant Secretary of the Navy. Background: Education- Graduate of Havard Law. Entered Columbia Law School but left early without graduating. Religion- Christian; Reformed Dutch. Family- Roosevelt was mainly influenced by his father, Theodore Roosevelt Sr. He had 6 children, Alice, Theodore, Kermit, Ethel, Archie, and Quentin. Defining Moment: Theodore became a reformer shortly after joining the Republican party. He was very involved in the party’s reform movement. Roosevelt quickly took interest in stopping corruption and shady deals. Contributions: Roosevelt professionized New York Police Departments. He was a believer of garbage pickup, clean water, safe bridges, public transit, and sewer systems. “T.R.” as he was known, also changed the appointments of government officials done by exams and not loyalty. He also cleaned up corruption in New York Police Departments.
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