Comp Sci MIPS machine 1 Ch. 3 MIPS RISC Machine
Comp Sci MIPS machine 2 MIPS processor Microprocessor w/o Interlocking Pipeline Stages Windows CE devices Cisco routers Sony Playstation, PS2, PSP Digital cameras
Comp Sci MIPS machine 3 MIPS Processor Register file – Special high-speed memory locations – Separate from main memory Datapath Circuitry – Performs arithmetic operations – Includes 32-bit ALU Control unit – Circuitry for controlling datapath, memory, and I/O devices
Comp Sci MIPS machine 4 Register file Thirty-two general purpose registers Each holds 32 bits NumberNamepurpose $0ZeroConstant 0 $1$atAssembler temp $2-$3$v0-$v1Expression eval. Return value $4-$7$a0-$a3Arguments $8-$15$t0-$t7Temporary $16-$23$s0-$s7Saved $24-$25$t8-$t9Temporary $26-$27$k0-$k1OS kernel $28$gpGlobal pointer $29$spStack pointer $30$fpFrame pointer $31$raReturn address
Comp Sci MIPS machine 5 Special-purpose registers Program counter register (PC) – Holds memory address of current instruction Hi and Lo – Used for multiplication & division
Comp Sci MIPS machine 6 MIPS main memory Byte-addressable memory 32-bit addresses Up to 2 32 bytes = 4 gigabytes Word size = 32 bits – Word boundaries on addresses divisible by 4
Comp Sci MIPS machine 7 Program memory model Memory contains three important segments Text segment: program instructions Data segment: global variables & constants Stack segment: arguments & local variables 0x Reserved 0x Text segment 0x Data segment Stack segment 0x xFFFFFFFF Operating system
Comp Sci MIPS machine 8 Byte order 32-bit value four consecutive bytes Example: 32-bit value 0x Two options: Big-endian Little-endian Low address High address
Comp Sci MIPS machine 9 Fetch-execute cycle Processor continuously does: 1. Read instruction – from text segment 2. Read operands – from registers, data segment, or stack segment 3. Perform operation 4. Store result – to register, data segment, or stack segment
Comp Sci MIPS machine 10 Examples See /shared/huen/251/ch03