Overview of agile project management Key concepts and terminology Available resources and tools Applicability of agile project management to different types of IT projects
TraditionalAgile Product defined upfrontProduct evolves Requirements defined upfrontFeatures developed overtime Adherence to requirements & planResponsiveness to changing needs Perfection focussedGood-enough focussed
SCRUM Feature Driven Development (FDD) Crystal Methods Extreme Programming Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)
Product backlogRelease 1 Sprint 1Sprint 2Sprint 3Sprint 4 Release 2 Sprint 1Sprint2Sprint 3Sprint 4
Can have requirements (e.g., legislative) Focus is on features (stories, tasks, tests) Product backlogs consist of features Features prioritized into releases & sprints
Product testing can be built into a sprint/iteration Product testing can be a sprint for a release User-acceptance testing important Product issues/bugs addressed daily & by sprint end
TraditionalAgile Project sponsorProduct owner Project managerScrum master / project manager The team Developers Analyst Testers The team Developers Analyst Testers
Source: Agile Project Management, Second Edition, Jim Highsmith People & communication = successful projects Prioritize features & deliver working deliverables early Focus on what ‘can’ be done within time & budget (positive vs. haggling) Get feedback regularly and modify scope accordingly Value Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software [products] over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan
In order to work agile projects need: Co-located teams (collaborative teams) Daily meetings (daily scrums) Regular product owner involvement
No Earned Value or baselining Focus is on velocity & burndown charts Concept of story points (vs. time estimates) Velocity: progress calculated by summing up the number of story points completed during a sprint/ iteration Sprint burndown: Effort remaining vs. date Project burndown: Points outstanding vs. iteration
Software development projects Feature, module, plug-in development Web application & mobile apps
Online “Scrum Master in Under 10 Minutes” otation_id=annotation_ otation_id=annotation_ Books Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products, Second Edition, Jim Highsmith Managing Agile Projects: The Project Management Essentials Library, Kevin Aguanno Tools VersionOne Courses Agile Project Management, Waterloo Centre for Extended Learning