D ATE : F RIDAY, F EB. 28 TH A IM : H OW DO WE RESOLVE CONSUMER PROBLEMS ? Do Now: What would cause you to complain about a product or service? Why bother complaining?
W RITING R ESPONSE : S EPARATE SHEET OF PAPER Describe a situation when you were unsatisfied with a product or service you bought. What did you do to remedy the situation? -What was the product/service? -What was different about the item from you expected? -Who did you speak with? -Was this person helpful? -What was the desired outcome?
M AKING A C OMPLAINT Have your facts straight: Date and location of transaction Product description Model # Size Color Price Method of payment Explanation of the problem How you want the problem resolved
T HE C OMPLAINT P ROCESS Step 1: Return to the store Explain problem to salesperson or customer service Ask for their name and write it down Step 2: Ask to speak to the manager Step 3: Contact the home office Describe problem clearly and honestly Explain what you are seeking
T HE C OMPLAINT P ROCESS Step 4: Contact a consumer agency or professional organization Step 5: Call your lawyer (or Judge Judy)!
B ETTER B USINESS B UREAU Non-profit organization *Helps consumers: Resolve disputes between consumers and sellers Keeps a file of complaints against businesses and supplies this info to consumers who ask for it Educates consumers by providing information in printed tip sheets, booklets and the Internet Promotes honest advertising and selling practices
N EGOTIATION The process of finding a solution that is acceptable to both sides. Negotiator guides the discussion and helps the participants recognize what is most important and reach an agreement.
M EDIATION When parties cannot negotiate a settlement, the next ADR (Alternative dispute resolution) -Settling disputes without using the courts Negotiator guides the discussion and helps the participants recognize what is most important and reach an agreement.
A RBITRATION Some businesses have panels to resolve consumer complaints Impartial 3 rd party Hears both sides and makes a decision Decision is binding for the company, but not the customer Customers have the right to take the case to court
S MALL C LAIMS C OURT *Lawsuit = last resort $1000-$10,000 *Advantages You don’t need a lawyer Court costs are low (less than $250) Most cases are resolved quickly *What should you do? Take all the information you have to the courthouse The clerk will take you through the process
R EFLECTION : Look back at your writing reflection from earlier in the lesson. Would you handle the situation in the same way? What would you do differently? How do you think the response of the business would change?