Gamify Release Planning
Cross 5 levels to get to the release backlog/MVP features MVP features in 5 steps
Level 1 Success – Personas Defined Personas are +Archetypal users +Based on observed behaviors patterns and goals +Represent the needs of many +Persona definition must have visual, role, tagline, goals or top features as s/he sees in the product 1.Split into teams. Come up with relevant user personas 2.Reconvene as a group and finalize personas 3.Team has personas defined? If yes then Level 1 completed Personas help +Provide focus +Determine what the product should do and how it should behave +Communicate with stakeholders and colleagues +Get people committed to the design +Measure the design’s effectiveness 1
Level 2 Success – Feature wish list defined Feature wish list is +All the features that will be useful for a persona +No prioritization is needed +X can be 10 or 15 or as many as the team feels is relevant. 1.Split into teams and role model a persona each. 2.Come up with top X features as that persona 3.Reconvene as a group, discuss and merge feature wish list and identify the personas it applies to. 4.Team has feature wish list defined? If yes then level 2 completed Features wish list helps +Think about the whole product and set the future vision 2
Level 3 Success – MoSCoW and KANO (Wow factor) added 1.As a team take a feature 2.Add Must, Should, Could and Won’t as per MoSCoW. 3.Add if the feature will add to the Wow factor 4.Team has feature wish list with MoSCoW and Wow? If yes then Level 3 completed WOW factor is +Simplified KANO model +Add if the feature will add to the Wow factor to the product or not 3 MoSCoW is +Must, Should, Could and Won’t have features
Level 4 Success – $ value attached to each feature 1.Development team takes the lead. 2.Give a $ value to each feature as per IT development complexity. 3.Sponsors are only listeners here 4.Team has dollar value for each feature? If yes then Level 4 succeeded. $ value isn’t +Business Value 4 $ value is +IT development complexity measure +100$ is the relative measure of the development effort the team can spend in delivering the MVP.
Level 5 Success – Spend your $100 1.Real fun bit, the sponsors have it all to buy the features now. 2.Sponsors take a lead and decide how to spend their $ Team has the MVP backlog? If yes then you just won a jackpot. Your release backlog is READY!!! 5 Buy features helps in +deciding what feature is worth spending dollars +Also with personas, MoSCoW, Wow factor and dollar value at one place sponsors know what will be the business value achieved.
What next? MVP features are handy, now +Prioritize +Deep dive and get going with your release ALL THE BEST!!! Help or feedback for the creator? Need the ready-made