Strengthening the Safety Net: Primary Prevention at Boston University
ACHA /22/2016 Cohort IV Grantee: Multi-pronged, multi-stakeholder strategy Marketing Mental health and resiliency as student resources for success Creating Caring Community using students 2
Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here ACHA /22/2016 Student Voices: authenticity is key BU Suicide Prevention Grant 3
ACHA /22/2016
ACHA /22/2016 Student Support Network Training Training students to be empathetic listeners, excellent referrers to resources on campus. Marketing it as leadership training. Targeting Athletes, LGBTQ, international students, minority students and greek life Specialty trainings for ROTC cadets, residential advisors, faculty and staff Trained over 500 people to date SSN is an evidenced based curriculum-WPI, cohort II/IV Motto-”tell someone, BU listens ”
Campus Penetration and Outreach National Depression Screening Day Clinician in College BU TODAY series on mental health Freshman webinars Wellness Fair Alcohol Task Force ACHA /22/2016
Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here ACHA /22/2016 BU SECRET: Active Minds kA
Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here ACHA /22/2016