West Forsyth High School Titan Battalion Army Junior ROTC Classroom Management Plan ( )
Welcome To The West Forsyth High School Titan Battalion "Titans Lead The Way" Senior Army Instructor (SAI) LTC (Ret) John O. Brown Army Instructor (AI) 1SG(Ret) Bruce I. Murphy
West Forsyth High School Titan Battalion Classroom Rules All rules set forth within the West Forsyth High School Student Handbook will be followed (e.g., drug use, weapons possession, attendance, tardies, dress code, electronic devices, hall passes, etc.) All rules set forth within the West Forsyth High School Student Handbook will be followed (e.g., drug use, weapons possession, attendance, tardies, dress code, electronic devices, hall passes, etc.) Come to class prepared-bring a three to five sectioned notebook portfolio, pen/pencil, and the JROTC Cadet Reference Book daily. Wear the appropriate JROTC Uniform every Wednesday and Physical Training Uniform (Black Shorts and Grey JROTC T-Shirt) every Thursday. Come to class prepared-bring a three to five sectioned notebook portfolio, pen/pencil, and the JROTC Cadet Reference Book daily. Wear the appropriate JROTC Uniform every Wednesday and Physical Training Uniform (Black Shorts and Grey JROTC T-Shirt) every Thursday. Treat all fellow cadets with dignity and respect. Adhere to the Army Values: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage. Treat all fellow cadets with dignity and respect. Adhere to the Army Values: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage. Adhere to the Junior ROTC Cadet Creed. Adhere to the Junior ROTC Cadet Creed. Respect school property. Do not bring food or drink into the classroom. Respect school property. Do not bring food or drink into the classroom.
West Forsyth High School Titan Battalion Classroom Procedures Reporting to Class: Reporting to Class: Upon entering class, cadets will report to their squad leader for accountability and take seat in assigned desk. Once final bell has rung, Class Leader will call the class to attention and squad leaders will report personnel status. Class will recite the Pledge of Allegiance and Cadet Creed. Class leader will report student absences to SAI or AI. End of Class: End of Class: Five minutes prior to end of class, SAI/AI will provide any final comments and allow students to pack up. Class Leader will call the class to attention at the sound of the bell and dismiss the class.
West Forsyth High School Titan Battalion Classroom Procedures Turning in Assignments: Turning in Assignments: Home work will be collected at the beginning of class. Full heading on all pages-printed name, class period, and date will appear on all work on the upper right side of paper. Handwritten papers-Black ink; no-frilled-edged paper; and legible. Typed papers-Times New Roman, 12 point, double spaced with 1-in margins. Late homework will not be accepted except on a case by case basic. Make up work due to absence must be coordinated with the SAI or AI. Failure to comply will result in a zero. Student Participation: Student Participation: If students have a question or want to provide comments during class, they will raise their hand to be recognized. The SAI/AI will call upon students to ensure participation.
West Forsyth High School Titan Battalion Classroom Procedures Group work: Group work: Each group will be assigned a group leader to facilitate project completion. Each member of the group will participate and work as a member of the team. The group as a whole will receive a grade for the group work. Class Interruptions (PA announcements, Fire Drill, etc.): Class Interruptions (PA announcements, Fire Drill, etc.): For PA announcements or other minor interruptions, the class leader will call “at ease”. At the conclusion of the announcements, class instruction will continue. During emergencies such as Fire Drills, the class leader will call the class to attention and exit the classroom per school policy.
West Forsyth High School Titan Battalion Consequences Inappropriate classroom behavior or failure to comply with the rules and procedures outlined in the JROTC Classroom Management Plan may result in one or more of the following: Inappropriate classroom behavior or failure to comply with the rules and procedures outlined in the JROTC Classroom Management Plan may result in one or more of the following: Demerits that have the potential to lower your merit grade for classroom participation. Loss of points in homework when not following assignment procedures. Additional Homework (Essay about the problem). Detention referral. Parental consultation. Administrative referral. Student Signature:__________________ Parent Signature:___________________