Lakeview MS 7 th Grade
Introductions O TX History O Science O Math O English Language Arts
Connections O This year, as a grade level, we are focusing on connecting as a whole. O Students have chosen a word to focus on for the year. Examples include: trust, hope, strong, brave, achieve, etc. O In the upstairs hallway (next to Mrs. Hildebrand’s room) is the 7 th grade tree displaying our connections as a grade level.
Field Trips O November 12 th and 13 th O Lake Lewisville Environmental Learning Area O George W. Bush Presidential Library O Every student will visit both the Bush Library as well as LLELA O Please return permission slips as soon as possible. O There are NO additional costs to the student to go on these field trips.
Volunteers O We would love to have parent chaperones for both LLELA and the Bush Library. O All volunteers will have to go through a background check. O This is found at O Parents O Volunteer/Background Check
iPads O Please make sure that your child brings their iPad to school everyday fully charged. O Apple ID’s
Leopardpalooza O October 9 th 2014 O Come support Student Council and connect with your Lakeview Leopards! O Food, Games and Prizes!
AVID O It is not too late to be a part of AVID! O Stop by Mrs. Schornick’s room to get a form! O Parent Meeting at 7:45 in room 213.
LVMS 7 th Grade Website 7th/ Shortcut: