Character Analysis The Basics
Facts vs. Implications Facts are direct quotes, descriptions, or events from the person’s experiences Facts are the pieces of evidence gathered to prove and support an argument. Implications are conclusions drawn based on factual evidence. However, it is not specifically stated. Implications are pieces of analysis given to show why the evidence is relevant.
Facts vs. Implications Facts: Holden’s brother died at young age. Holden still talks to his brother at times. Holden often thinks about death. Holden often wonders where the ducks in Central Park disappear to. Implications: Holden is suffering from a severe depressive disorder after the death of his brother. The ducks disappearing in C.P. is a metaphor for Holden’s concern over where his brother might be.
Facts vs. Implications Facts Mrs. Soto gets impatient and annoyed when students do not read. Mrs. Soto gives quizzes at least once a week. Implications Mrs. Soto gives reading quizzes to push students to keep up on their assignments.
An implication (analysis) does not.. Re-state or explain the quote or situation. Make a general statement summarizing the evidence. Make a general statement without using a piece of solid evidence to support it.
Reverend Samuel Parris Fact #1 (Quote) “But if you trafficked with the spirits in the forests I must know it now, for surely my enemies will, and they will ruin me with it.” Parris Implications: NO- Parris is saying that Abigail needs to tell him the truth because he wants to know before everyone else finds out first and he gets into trouble. NO- Parris is selfish and is only concerned about his reputation; he doesn’t care about his daughter. YES- Parris is aware of the faction against him in Salem. He is concerned with being humiliated out of a position he has worked hard to prove himself in.
Reverend Samuel Parris Fact #2 (Quote) “There are many others who stay away from church these days because you hardly mention God anymore.” Proctor Implications: NO- Parris is not a man of God because he doesn’t talk about God in his sermons. NO- The people do not like him because Proctor says this quote, “There are many…” YES- Parris spends his sermons preaching of “hellfire and damnation”. People want to hear about the love and purity of God, not be threatened into damnation. YES- Parris uses his pulpit to lecture and talk down to his parishioners. They are offended by his constant need to demean them.
Reverend Samuel Parris Fact #3 (Quote) “I am not some preaching farmer with a book under my arm; I am a graduate of Harvard College.”………….. “Aye, and well instructed in arithmetic.” Implications: NO- Parris wants a higher salary because he went to college and thinks he is better than other reverends. NO- Giles is the one person who understands that Parris should be respected and get more money because of his education. YES-Parris is concerned with living a “comfortable” life, beyond that of typical man of God. His need to throw around his prior accomplishments shows his feelings of entitlement. YES- Giles’ cutting remark echoes that of the other characters’, in noting Parris’ obsession with money and numbers.
Reverend Samuel Parris Fact #4 (Quote) “I see no light of God in that man.” Proctor Implications: NO- The reader can see that Parris is not a good man by this quote, “I see…” NO- Anything that links this quote with Proctor’s earlier quote (They happened 30 pages apart) YES- Parris is not the typical humble, loving, and simple reverend. He is vain, and overly concerned with appearances and places little emphasis on the people.
The Crucible: Character Analysis John Proctor Prompt: Write a one-page characterization analysis on Proctor. Consider the type of person he sees himself as and the type of person others see him as. What is his background? What is his motivation in terms of Salem? What implications can be made based on the evidence? Requirements: Thesis Statement: One sentence summarizing Proctor’s Character. This statement will drive the rest of your analysis. Three paragraphs organizing evidence and implications which support thesis statement. Include direct quotes Typed- MLA format DUE: FRIDAY
The Crucible: Character Analysis John Proctor Reminders: The Crucible is a play, not a novel or book. It should still be italicized in your paper- not in quotation marks. Include all given quotes. They do not have to be in the order I give them to you, but they do need to be organized within the paper. Proof-read before turning in.
The Crucible: Character Analysis John Proctor Quotes: “In Proctor’s presence a fool felt his foolishness instantly- and a Proctor is always marked for calumny therefore.” – Narrator pg. 20 “I should have wilted, and, like a Christian, I confessed. Confessed!...Let you look sometimes for the goodness in me, and judge me not.” –Proctor pg. 55 “I have given you my soul; leave me my name!” Proctor pg. 143 --Your choice– one more additional quote.
MLA Format Quick Review Heading (Top Left) Name My name Course Date Heading (Top right) Last name and page number Only if multiple pages Body Do not bold, enlarge, underline, italicize or quote title Double space Remove extra spaces between paragraphs Indent every paragraph 12 point font
Imbedding Citations Quick MLA review… Some Samples As Proctor pleads for Elizabeth’s forgiveness on page 20, he cries out “…” According to Miller’s description, “…” (20). Giles mockingly remarks, “…” (20).