JT Morton
The Colony of New York was founded in August 28, 1664.
Giovanni de Verrazano first explored the area. Then Peter Minuit founded New Amsterdam but then the British reclaimed and changed the name to New York. They named the Colony after James, Duke of York.
It was founded by the Dutch for trade and furs and became an English Colony.
Corn, wheat and livestock including beef and pork. Other industries included the production of iron ore, lumber, coal, textiles, furs and, shipbuilding.
Ships from England would go to Africa carrying iron products, cloth, trinkets and beads, guns and ammunition. The ships traded these goods for slaves, gold and spices (pepper). Then Ships from Africa would go to the American Colonies via the route known as the 'Middle Passage'. The slaves were exchanged for goods from the Americas, destined for the Slave Plantations. After Ships from the Americas would then take raw materials back to England. The English would use the raw materials to make 'finished goods. And the same process would start all over again.