Taylor Estape
Think about your favorite animated movie or T.V. show. What method of animation was used to make it?
How will further increases in technology affect the animation industry? 2D 3D Hybrid
2D animation is not an outdated animation technique. 2D animation is still used and needed today by studios around the world.
3D animation (CGI) will not make 2D animation obsolete. Studio Ghibli
Both 2D and 3D animation should be used to create films. Disney’s Paperman Hybrid Animation
3D animation will make 2D animation obsolete.
“Don’t neglect traditional forms of artistic training such as drawing, photography and sculpture because they will all help make your CG work better.” - Ben Koppel “The term CGI is a misnomer - the computer doesn't generate the images. That would be like calling traditional animation Pencil-Generated Imagery. No matter what the tool is, it requires an artist to create art.” - John Lasseter