What are the specific needs of your dictionary? Flexibility, flexibility, flexibility!! All dictionary projects are different Revising/reusing as framework/compilation from scratch 1 lexicographer/several lexicographers
What kind of software do you use in your work? GestorLEX (Perl…)
How does the current DWS meet the needs? Excellently when it comes to core editing functionality Search functionality is powerful but slow BUT: GestorLEX runs on OS/2-platform BUT: GestorLEX is a stand-alone system
Do you employ a particular corpus in your work? What kind of tools do you use for the corpus acces? As a publishing house, we have access to large amounts of Danish text We do not mark up the corpus We do not maintain any corpus for foreign languages We use tools like WordSmith
Is there a need for special management tools in your project? In our experience: not too much! Most projects are characterized by having only a few lexicographers working in parallel
Does your project/system require/enable off-line work? What are the limitations then? GestorLEX is a stand-alone system… We split up dictionary data and distribute data to different lexicographers Many lexicographers work on paper copies (sic!) - they find the two-view editing difficult and they mark up poorly...
What is the granularity of your work? The granularity varies from project to project Lexicographers may work on sets of entries selected alphabetically or as a result of a search profile Some lexicographers might work only on selected information types in the entries - e.g. pronunciation.
Were your dictionaries used in an NLP application? No!