Tom Herald 1 NDIA 6 th Annual Systems Engineering ConferenceOctober 2003 ConOps Development in a Highly Networked System Tom Herald Senior Staff Systems Engineer Lockheed Martin Maritime Systems & Sensors 9500 Godwin Drive 105/013 Manassas, VA (703) FAX: (703) Dinesh Verma, Ph.D. Professor and Director, SDOE Program Stevens Institute of Technology Castle Point on Hudson Hoboken, NJ (201) (or 8334) FAX: (201)
Tom Herald 2 NDIA 6 th Annual Systems Engineering ConferenceOctober 2003 NCS ConOps Development Agenda Current Tops-down ConOps Development Network Centric Warfare Bottoms-up Performance Capability Assessment Research Considerations Performance Assessment Summary
Tom Herald 3 NDIA 6 th Annual Systems Engineering ConferenceOctober 2003 Military ConOps Development and System Requirements Generalized Methodology Today: System-Level Concept of Operations Document Contents Element 1Element 2Element 3Element 4Element NElement 5 Sub-System Solution Elements... New Element 1 New Element 2 New Element M... Systems Engineer Responsible Focal Point Multitude of Stakeholder Needs Domestic Forces Coalition Forces Training & Doctrine Supportability Non-War Operations Program Control Financial Control Political Inputs Planning Needs Others... Operations Program & Financial
Tom Herald 4 NDIA 6 th Annual Systems Engineering ConferenceOctober 2003 Sensor Control/Comm Grid Command & Control Information Control Shooter Information Grid Information Sensor Grid Information Control Platform Information Raw Data To Information Decision Maker Network Centric Warfare Source: Vision of NCW provided in a Department of Defense Report to Congress – September 2001 –
Tom Herald 5 NDIA 6 th Annual Systems Engineering ConferenceOctober Research Relevance in Support of NCS Systems Engineer System 1System 2System 3System 4System NSystem 5 Existing and Legacy Systems... Multitude of Stakeholder Needs Domestic Forces Coalition Forces Training & Doctrine Supportability Non-War Operations Program Control Financial Control Political Inputs Planning Needs Others... Legacy Systems Network Operations Program & Financial New Systems ConOps New System 1 New System M... Network-Centric Concept of Operations Document Content NCS Systems Engineer - Program Focal Point
Tom Herald 6 NDIA 6 th Annual Systems Engineering ConferenceOctober 2003 Research Opportunity in Support of NCS Systems Engineer System 1System 2System 3System 4System NSystem 5 Existing and Legacy Systems... Legacy Systems Network New Systems ConOps New System 1 New System M... Network-Centric Concept of Operations Document Content Multitude of Stakeholder Needs Domestic Forces Coalition Forces Training & Doctrine Supportability Non-War Operations Program Control Financial Control Political Inputs Planning Needs Others... Operations Program & Financial NCS Systems Engineer - Program Focal Point Research Area #1: Performance Capability Assessment Benefit of Network Connectivity System Redundancy Develop a Total Capability Listing Dynamic vs. Static Stakeholder Requirements Research Area #3: New Development ConOps & Supportability New System Operational ConOps Input Technology Evolution Guidance Supportability Balance Performance Capability-to-Stakeholder Mapping Affordability, Schedule and Value Trade Optimizations Identification of New-Development System Needs Research Area #2: Operational Mapping & Optimizations
Tom Herald 7 NDIA 6 th Annual Systems Engineering ConferenceOctober 2003 Research Opportunity in Support of NCS Systems Engineer System 1System 2System 3System 4System NSystem 5 Existing and Legacy Systems... Legacy Systems Network New Systems ConOps New System 1 New System M... Network-Centric Concept of Operations Document Content Multitude of Stakeholder Needs Domestic Forces Coalition Forces Training & Doctrine Supportability Non-War Operations Program Control Financial Control Political Inputs Planning Needs Others... Operations Program & Financial NCS Systems Engineer - Program Focal Point Research Area #1: Performance Capability Assessment Benefit of Network Connectivity System Redundancy Develop a Total Capability Listing Dynamic vs. Static Stakeholder Requirements Research Area #3: New Development ConOps & Supportability New System Operational ConOps Input Technology Evolution Guidance Supportability Balance Performance Capability-to-Stakeholder Mapping Affordability, Schedule and Value Trade Optimizations Identification of New-Development System Needs Research Area #2: Operational Mapping & Optimizations
Tom Herald 8 NDIA 6 th Annual Systems Engineering ConferenceOctober 2003 Total Performance of a Network-Centric System ≈ N N M P NCS = P i + ( ( P i ∩ P j ) k ) ; For all i ≠ j AND i = 1 i = 1 k = 1 where k > 0 (i.e. the system j = 1 pairing has connectivity) P NCS = The total performance of the Network-Centric System P i = The performance capability of a Stand Alone System (no network connection) P j = The performance capability of a Stand Alone System (no network connection) N= The number of Independent Systems (Network Nodes) M= The number of independent functional connection paths for a P i and P j pairing P i ∩ P j = This intersection represents the resultant performance from the system connectivity, which could be Zero if there is no system advantage or detractor, Positive if the connectivity advantages the ConOps (Mission Needs) or Negative if the connectivity is not required by the ConOps (i.e. outside of the mission performance boundaries) NOTE: System Triples, Quadruples, etc. can also be considered as necessary.
Tom Herald 9 NDIA 6 th Annual Systems Engineering ConferenceOctober 2003 Measuring the Performance of the NCS? Individual System Contribution (as understood by it’s own ConOps document) Networking of the systems results in potentially positive or negative Performance Benefit. The linkage of systems offers new direct functionality The linkage of systems offers an indirect functionality benefit (i.e., multiple path redundancy, degraded modes of operability) Negative linkage impacts such as Bandwidth overload, un- needed system-to-system connectivity leading lower system availability with no new performance benefit. Changing Program Needs Drives Varying NCS Solutions
Tom Herald 10 NDIA 6 th Annual Systems Engineering ConferenceOctober 2003 Direct Connectivity in NCS Intentional Connectivity Mission Performance requires linkage (Secure Wire, Microwave) Connect of System pairs yields summation of the separate functionality of the 2 systems PLUS New capabilities that the linkage allows Possible Redundancy or Conflicts due to identical input types yielding different results (i.e. meteorological reports) that will require arbitration Example: Connecting an Army Company information to a Theater Battle Command center. Direct Connectivity to provide better decisions.
Tom Herald 11 NDIA 6 th Annual Systems Engineering ConferenceOctober 2003 Indirect Connectivity in NCS Unintentional Connectivity Result of WAN connections No Direct ConOps Requirement fulfilled by the connectivity Multi-path connectivity - Could be an advantage Example: Weather Radar Connectivity in a NCS. Valuable to those systems that use weather in decisions, and useless to all other LAN systems. Thus connectivity is available indirectly, but potentially not valuable.
Tom Herald 12 NDIA 6 th Annual Systems Engineering ConferenceOctober 2003 General Metrics Structure for NCS Systems Axis Y = Capabilities per System, N. Axis X = Metrics, M, for each capability (as appropriate) Axis Z = Networking Advantages (or Disadvantages) M Metrics System Unique Common Metrics N Systems X C i Capabilities N Systems Network Interactions (if any at all) Metrics Categories: 1.System Architecture 2.Data/Information & Networking 3.Supportability 4.Logistics 5.Technology Evolution 6. Cost Metrics
Tom Herald 13 NDIA 6 th Annual Systems Engineering ConferenceOctober 2003 Conclusions NCS Complexity drives the need to provide the NCS Engineer (or team) with more insight for mapping out a NCS ConOps. Must Support NCS Engineer with: ⁻Bottoms-up Performance Capability Assessment Method ⁻Providing Mapping from Possible to Stakeholder Needs ⁻Prioritizing of System Deployment ⁻Optimizing Solution Recommendation Facilitate variable solution sets within ConOps Development Identify Gaps and Drive New System ConOps Development