Bellringer Underneath your bellringer from last class, please write “Bellringer 10/17/11” and answer the following questions: What was the Columbian Exchange? What kinds of goods came from the Old World to the New World and vice versa? What was the Commercial Revolution? In other words, how did the European economies change as a result of the Age of Exploration? Hint: think about capitalism, mercantilism, and joint-stock companies BJOTD: What kind of fruit studies all the time?
Dana Nissel
Slavery in Africa Prisoners of War Kidnapped Traded
Hereditary (passed down in the family)
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Slavery in the Americas Sugar Plantation Tobacco Farms American Indians Warfare
Slavery in the Americas Labor Immunity to Diseases No Tribes
Slavery in the Americas 9.5 million Portugal Triangle Trade Gold, sugar, guns
Triangle Trade
Slavery in the Americas Middle Passage Disease
Exporting Precious metals Metals Africa Bolivia and Mexico Europe and Asia
Exporting Precious Metals Destroyed local economies Value of Money Decreases While Prices Rise (Inflation)
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