Understanding prompts Recognizing context/occasion Recognizing audience Recognizing purpose Recognizing subject Brainstorming Organizing thoughts Thesis formation Outlining
Rhetorical Triangle Purpose and Context/Occasion Audience Subject
Rhetorical Triangle Purpose and Context/Oc- casion Audience Subject
Definition TermClassCharacteristicSupport Human rightsGuaranteesJustArticle 1 Morally rightArticle 1 LegalArticle 2 InalienableSlavery Common sense Church
Cause Cause & Elaboration Support
Effect Effect Elaboration Support Effect Elaboration Support Effect Elaboration Support
DEFINITION Most/least important to least/most important Most/least obvious to least/most obvious CAUSE Most/least important to least/most important Most/least obvious to least/most obvious “Snowball” EFFECT Most/least important to least/most important Most /least obvious to least/most obvious “Ripple”
Definition Term + Class + 3 Characteristics I. Introduction A. Hook B. Bridge C. Thesis Statement II. Characteristic 1 Topic Sentence III. Characteristic 2 Topic Sentence IV. Characteristic 3 Topic Sentence V. Conclusion A. New Perspective B. Relevancy
Cause Event + 3 Causes I. Introduction A. Hook B. Bridge C. Thesis Statement II. Cause 1 Topic Sentence III. Cause 2 Topic Sentence IV. Cause 3 Topic Sentence V. Conclusion A. New Perspective B. Relevancy
Effect Event + 3 Effects I. Introduction A. Hook B. Bridge C. Thesis Statement II. Effect 1 Topic Sentence III. Effect 2 Topic Sentence IV. Effect 3 Topic Sentence V. Conclusion A. New Perspective B. Relevancy
Grading rubric Elaboration Support Incorporating quotes
“Sandwiching” One sentence introduces, i.e. makes reference to some idea from the quote Quote One sentence concludes, i.e. explains what the quote means in relation to your point
Revising for conventions Scoring
Complete sentences Agreement Tense Case Capitalization Punctuation Spelling