Presentation by Mr. Micipsa DJAKER, Group Chief Exucutive, RBS
The Royal Bank of Scotland is an international banking and financial services company. It was founded in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1727.
After financial Crisis : Structure of the Business UK Personal Banking Wealth UK Corporate Banking Markets & international Banking Ulster Bank US Retail & Commercial Banking Direct Line Group
Source : market-issues-%E2%80%93-essay-part-2/ market-issues-%E2%80%93-essay-part-2/ RBS is : Over 30m customers worldwide, around 26m in the UK; 143,000 employees worldwide; over 90,000 in the UK; Customer deposits £435bn; Group loan to deposit ratio:104%; Liquidity portfolio: £156bn; Total funded assets £929bn.
Our strategy is maintaining support for the Group’s core UK retail and commercial customers in difficult times: 350,000 SMEs £28.6 bn of lending 350,000 SMEs £28.6 bn of lending 43,000 customers £11 bn of gross new mortgage lending 43,000 customers £11 bn of gross new mortgage lending
Through these tools we seek : To serve customers well, and better; To operate with safety and soundness for all who rely on us; To rebuild sustainable value for all shareholders, and thereby to facilitate the sale of taxpayers’ shareholding in the Bank.
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