WIRRAL LOCAL STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP Jim Wilkie Deputy Chief Executive Wirral Borough Council February 2004
LOCAL STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP Wirral’s Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) was established in October 2001 A partnership that brings together key agencies from the public, private, voluntary and community sectors to develop a vision or Community Strategy for Wirral The overall aim of the Community Strategy is to improve the quality of life of Wirral people as a whole Based on in-depth consultation and feedback the partnership identified 8 key themes or priorities for action
PRIORITIES FOR ACTION A healthy environment A thriving local economy Better opportunities for learning Creating opportunities for culture, leisure and tourism Safer communities Improved health and social care High quality homes Modern transport facilities
LSP KEY TASKS Prepare and implement a community strategy for Wirral Bring local plans, partnerships and initiatives together to work more effectively to meet local needs Develop and deliver a Local Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy Co-ordinate the activities of partners Rationalise partnerships Local Public Service Agreements Equality and inclusion
FROM THEORY TO REALITY LSP Membership drawn from across all sectors Each of the 8 themes supported by a sector champion Supporting partnership frameworks Wirral Voluntary and Community Sectors Network 8 Themes of the Community Strategy determined by information received from: Wirral Citizens panel Ward roadshows and Area Forums Previous Consultation
ENVIRONMENT We want an environment that is managed and cared for, enhancing and protecting its natural assets for the enjoyment of residents and visitors Objectives based around key areas such as: Pollution Street Scene Waste Natural Resources Planning Sustainability Education
THE COMMUNITY STRATEGY The Community Strategy must: allow local communities to express their aspirations, needs and priorities co-ordinate the actions of partner organisations focus and shape activity to meet local needs contribute to sustainable development
GETTING BETTER TOGETHER ‘Getting Better Together’ is Wirral’s first Community Strategy It is a 10 year vision for Wirral to improve services in key areas such as jobs, education, crime and housing Consultation and inclusiveness is key Strategy was part of a wide reaching consultation process Community Strategy Timetable: – Final version agreed in October 2003 – Delivery plan in place by April 2004
LSP - Progress to date Appointed an independent Chair Nominated 7 Champions to act as the figureheads and leaders of each theme Established key subgroups around neighbourhood renewal, the community strategy and learning and development Prepared a consultative version of the community strategy to act as the focus for widespread consultation
NEXT STEPS Further develop and refine Community Strategy and supporting partnership structures to deliver the Community Strategy Delivery Plan and Performance Management Framework in place - April 04 Area Forum Action Plans agreed - March 04 Regular progress reports to LSP and the public - ongoing