MIWP14: Thematic clusters To keep the “momentum” – participatory, open process from the development of the IRs, TGs also for the INSPIRE implementation.


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Presentation transcript:

MIWP14: Thematic clusters To keep the “momentum” – participatory, open process from the development of the IRs, TGs also for the INSPIRE implementation phase To mobilize thematic communities to share best practices with implementing / utilizing INSPIRE in their domains. Two main aims

MIWP14: Thematic clusters The Call for Facilitators published on 13.8 and closed on Main criteria for selection: General knowledge of INSPIRE Good international/national community building experience (supporting networks) Participation in development of INSPIRE legal/technical framework Participation in the national implementation of INSPIRE Participation in EU, National SDI projects Collaborative SW tools experience

MIWP14: Thematic clusters 48 candidates applied to all 9 proposed thematic clusters 8 facilitators selected – now the confirmation procedure Cluster nr. 9: “Statistical Units, Population Distribution, Human Health and Safety” without a suitable candidate

MIWP14: Thematic clusters

Kick-off meeting in Ispra, Italy JRC to prepare the collaborative platforms (Redmine and INSPIRE Forum based) Terms of Reference for the MIG - MIWP14 – For the coordination of the Thematic clusters + cross domain harmonization sub-group  Involvement of MIG representatives  Collaboration with other thematic networks

Selected facilitators (TBC) 1.Geology, Soil, Natural Risk Zones, Mineral resources, Energy resources: Tim Duffy (EuroGeoSurveys) 2.Land Use, Land Cover: Lena Hallin-Pihlatie (SE) 3.Elevation, Orthoimagery, Geographical Grids, Reference Systems: Jorge Escriu (ES) 4.Environmental Monitoring Facilities, Observations and Measurements: Alessandro Sarretta (IT) 5.Agricultural and Aquaculture Facilities, Production and Industrial Facilities, Utility and Governmental Services: Angel Lopez Alos (ES) 6.Geographical Names, Administrative Units, Cadastral Parcels, Addresses, Buildings, Transport Networks, Hydrography: Anja Hopfstock (DE) 7.Oceanographic Features, Sea Regions, Atmospheric Conditions and Meteorological Geographical Features: Keiran Millard (UK) 8.Protected Sites, Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units, Habitats and Biotopes, Species Distribution, Bio- geographical Regions: Brian Mac Sharry (IE)