Procedures adopted to help people sustain their tenancies By Elaine Somerville
Tenancy Sustainment Focus on tenancy sustainment in legislation and social policy Emphasis on preventing homelessness/repeat homelessness Increase the chance of tenancy success Reduce financial cost of tenancy turnover to the Association
Key Preventing Factors Good family and friendship networks Training, learning and skills opportunities Accessibility and availability of good advice and assistance Adequate financial resources and support in times of crisis.
Helping people set up & sustain their tenancy Pre-tenancy advice at H.A.F stage Identification of financial/support needs at H.A.F stage and at sign up stage Vouchers for B&Q and Spruce Carpets Provide Starter Packs Gain employment & training opportunities Tackling fuel poverty, rent arrears, providing welfare/debt advice Opportunities for young people through Aberlour Youth Point Referral to relevant agencies such as Money Matters, GSWRA (Glasgow South West Regeneration Agency) and S.W. Dept New tenant visits 6-8 weeks after start of tenancy Staff commitment to tenancy sustainment
Partnership Working Starter Packs/Spruce Carpets Fab Pad GSWRA (Glasgow South West Regeneration Agency) GCSS (Glasgow Community Safety Services) Money Matters GHEAT Aberlour – Youth Point Glasgow
The Outcome Significant reduction in the no. of evictions Reductions in the no. of abandonments Significant increase in tenant satisfaction from in terms of the neighbourhood and Association’s services A 63% reduction in offending in the youths from Elderpark involved in diversionary activities with GCSS. from the year before to the year after the programme. New targets to improve rate of tenancy sustainment by March 2011using the APSR March 2010 figures as a base
Key Statistics Elderpark H.A. 2005/06 Elderpark H.A. 2009/10 1 st and 2 nd Qtr of 2010/11 Void re-let times 124 days15 days Current Tenant Arrears 5.6%3.62% Evictions & Abandonments (six months)
Tenant Satisfaction Survey Elderpark H.A Elderpark H.A M.I.S Average 2009 View of neighbourhood as a good place to live 52%86%81% Satisfaction with taking account of tenants’ views 74%93%78% View of Quality of Services provided 77%94%86%
Considerations for The Association Difficulty in monitoring outcomes Effective monitoring tools SROI (Social Return On Investment) Policy vs. practice