California English Language Development Test
1. To identify students who are limited English proficient 2. To determine the level of proficiency 3. To assess the progress of students in acquiring the skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing in English
To all students whose primary language is not English, based on the Home Language Survey, within 30 calendar days of enrollment in a California Public School To English Learners once a year until they are reclassified to fluent English proficient (RFEP)
Define what English Learners must know and be able to do as they progress toward full fluency in English and proficiency in the state English-language arts standards. Four domains: listening, speaking, reading writing ELD Standards Booklet: englangdevstnd.pdf englangdevstnd.pdf
Handout 1 ◦ Beginning ◦ Early Intermediate ◦ Intermediate ◦ Early Advanced ◦ Advanced
CELDT Resources Webpage
Increase one performance level on the CELDT each year until RFEP Score proficient or above on the California Standards Test
Handout 2 ◦ CELDT Level ◦ Expected Student Performance ◦ Teacher Strategies