INTENDED FOR… SubjectMath Grade LevelSecond Grade 2
Students use geometric concepts, properties, and relationships in problem-solving situations and communicate the reasoning used in solving these problems. recognizing shapes and their relationships (symmetry) identifying, describing, drawing, comparing, classifying, and building physical models of geometric figures 3 COLORADO STATE STANDARDS
STUDENTS WILL KNOW, UNDERSTAND, AND BE ABLE TO… -identify 2-dimensional figures -rhombus and trapezoid -identify 3-dimensional figures. -rectangular prism, cone, pyramid -draw a line segment. -two definitive end points with labels, as opposed to arrows -draw parallel and nonparallel line segments. -distinguishing using parallel and nonparallel symbols -draw lines of symmetry -given 2-dimensional figures 4
CLASSIFYING Geometric shapes are classified according to rules. 5 CONCEPT OR BIG IDEA
KEY PRINCIPLES Shapes are used to communicate how people view their environment. 6 Geometry provides a system to describe, organize, and represent the world around us.
Students will take a pre-assessment, evaluating knowledge of vocabulary associated with 2-D and 3-D shapes, the idea of parallelism, and the ability to insert a dividing line for given figures (symmetry). 7 ACTIVITIES AND PROCESSBEGINNINGS…
Development of learning stations enhances comprehension by utilizing a hands-on approach to the learning process. Experts Say…
THREE QUESTIONS FOR ANALYSIS What (Content)How (Readiness, Interest, Learning Style) Why (Reason) -Teacher can adjust the degree of difficulty based on ongoing need -Various products -Takes student interest into account -Wide range of project options and modes of expression -Numerous problem solving strategies -Assists learner by presenting topics based on readiness -Increases motivation -Flexible grouping for tasks
Objective: To guide children as they define, name, and draw line segments. Readiness: Students will create fact family houses, labeling line segments accordingly (ex. AB). Enrichment: Students will construct outlines using 100s and 1,000s for table partners to connect while ordering numbers from least to greatest. 10 ACTIVITIES AND PROCESSLESSON 1
Objective: To introduce the concept of parallel. Readiness: Students will use geoboards to construct parallel lines. Enrichment: Students will create arrays using dice to attain two facts. They will eventually be used to create a rectangle that has corresponding rows and columns. 11 ACTIVITIES AND PROCESSLESSON 2
Objective: To guide children as they find lines of symmetry in objects and complete drawings to create symmetrical shapes. Readiness: Sets of children explore symmetry using pattern blocks. Enrichment: Students cu symmetrical pictures from magazines and create a symmetry booklet. Enrichment: Students mirror one another using similar side-by-side motions. 12 ACTIVITIES AND PROCESSLESSON 3
ASSESSMENT SUMMATIVE -write fact family -count in the thousands -order whole number in the 100s and 1,000s -draw line segments -identify 2-dimensional figures FORMATIVE -identify 3-dimensional figures -draw a line segment -draw parallel and nonparallel line segments -draw lines of symmetry 13