The Köppen Classification Simplified version of the modern Koppen climate classification system.
Rainforest Climate Af
Köppen Classification Fig 16.2 Distribution of climate types across a hypothetical continent.
A Nice Website on the Köppen System: http://www. eoearth
Description of the Köppen Climate Types A-Tropical climates Af-tropical rainforest, Am-monsoon forest, Aw-savanna B-Desert climates BW-true desert, BS-steppe C-Mild Midlatitude, Mesothermal, moderate temperature Cf-no dry season, Cs-summer dry, Cw-winter dry D-Severe Midlatitude, Microthermal, snow forest Df-no dry season, Dw-winter dry, continental, Ds-summer dry E-Frost climates ET-tundra, EF-eternal frost H-Highland climates
Changing location of the January 18oC isotherm in S. Florida, 1941-1979.
Unit 15: Tropical (A) and Arid (B) Climates
Rainforest Climate Af
Rainforest Climate Af
Monsoon Forest Climate Am
Savanna Climate Aw Tropical grassland Summer wet, winter dry Transition zone between forests and grasslands
Savanna Climate Aw Tree-dotted savanna of Kenya’s Maasai Mara game reserve.
Arid Climates B Dry landscape of western Sahara near Morocco and Algeria.
Desert Climate BW
BW Climate
Steppe Climate (Semi-arid) BS
Steppe Winter Wheat Region of North America Combines harvest winter wheat in western Nebraska.
Arid Regions Show the Highest Precipitation Variability