Timeline of Major Elizabethan Battles  Slide 1: 1400 - 1450  Slide 2: 1450 - 1500  Slide 3: 1500 - 1550  Slide 4: 1550 - 1600.


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Presentation transcript:

Timeline of Major Elizabethan Battles  Slide 1:  Slide 2:  Slide 3:  Slide 4:

1400 AD AD  1410 The German Knights are defeated by the Polish and the Lithuanians on July 15, 1410 at the Battle of Tannenberg.  1415 The British defeat the French on October 25, 1415 during the Battle of Agincourt, leaving their government in ruins. Portuguese explorer, Henry the Navigator conquers Ceuta, beginning Portuguese conquests in Africa.  1444 The Ottoman forces engage in several battles with the Christian armies along the Hungarian border. Encouraged by several victories, the Christian armies declare a new Crusade against the Ottomans.

1450 AD AD  1453 The Ottomans capture Constantinople, present-day Istanbul, and declare it as the capital of the Ottoman Empire, putting an end to the Byzantine Empire.  1485 The army of Richard III is defeated by Henry Tudor’s forces at the Battle of Bosworth Field in Leicestershire on August 22, During the battle, Richard III is killed and Henry Tudor succeeds as Henry VII.  1489 The Earl of Northumberland is killed in the Yorkshire Rebellion while collecting a tax to pay for the war in Brittany. The riots are led by Sir John Egremont but are suppressed by the Earl of Surrey.  1497 The Battle of Blackheath is fought, bringing an end to the Cornish Rebellion. Also known as the Battle of Deptford Bridge, at this battle, Lord Daubeney is victorious over the rebel leaders.

1500 AD AD Global Trade Expands Along With Conquest  1509 After capturing the port city of Hormuz, located at the entrance to the Persian Gulf, two years previously, the Portuguese destroy a large Muslim fleet in a battle on the Arabian Sea, near northwest coast of India. A year later a Portuguese trade center is established on India’s western coast. The English start expanding trade to West Africa.  1504 – 1529 The Ottoman Empire sees many victories. 1504: Romania 1506: Belgrade 1526: Hungary 1529: The first siege of Vienna fails.

1550 AD AD  1562 The wars over religion begin in France and continue until Henry IV of Navarre ascends the throne in  1568 The revolt of the northern Low Countries against Philip II, King of Spain, begins.  1571 The Turks are defeated at the naval battle of Lepanto.  1588 The Spanish Armada is destroyed by the English fleet and harsh weather.