John 11 Lazarus as a Type of Christ Reference to washing of feet. Glorification of the Son of God. Thomas’s concern about the death of Jesus. John 12:3; 13:5 John 13:31 John 11:2 John 11:4 John 11 SimilaritiesFinal Week John 20:24-29 John 11:16; JST, John 11:16
John 11 Lazarus as a Type of Christ Jesus’ testimony that He is “the resurrection, and the life.” Reference to Jesus feeling “troubled.” Concern for where the body was laid. John 14:6, 19 John 12:27-28 John 11:25 John 11:33 John 11 SimilaritiesFinal Week John 20:2 John 11:34
John 11 Lazarus as a Type of Christ Focus on the love of Christ. Stone removed from the sepulchre. Description of burial clothes, with emphasis on the “napkin” or cloth covering the face. John 14:21-23 John 19:41; 20:1 John 11:36 John 11:38-39 John 11 SimilaritiesFinal Week John 20:5-7 John 11:44
John 11 Lazarus as a Type of Christ Reference to Caiaphas’s prophecy of Christ’s Atonement. John 18:13-14 John 11:49-50 John 11 SimilaritiesFinal Week