The Gospel of Matthew Matthew 27:1-66
The Gospel of Matthew The Death of Jesus Judas’ Regret (1-10). Jesus Before Pilate (11-31). Jesus Crucifixion (32-51). Jesus Burial (52-66).
The Gospel of Matthew Judas’ Regret (1-10). “Was Remorseful” - KJV “repented himself.” – Gr. metamellomai “to care after” not metanoeo “to change the mind.”
The Gospel of Matthew Judas’ Regret (1-10). “Hanged himself” (cf. Acts 1:18). Potter’s field – purchased by Judas through the priests after the fact (cf. Acts 1:19).
The Gospel of Matthew Judas’ Regret (1-10). “Spoken by the prophet Jeremiah” (from Zech 11:12-13). – Ancient Jewish order of prophets began with Jeremiah. Jeremiah = “the prophets” (cf. Luke 24:44).
The Gospel of Matthew Jesus Before Pilate (11-31). Unlawful Trial. Jewish Talmud says… – Capital cases tried in the day. – Cannot be decided same day. – Cannot begin on eve of holiday. (Sanhedrin, 4.1).
The Gospel of Matthew Jesus Before Pilate (11-31). “Are you the king of the Jews?” – “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18). – Luke – before Herod (Luke 23). – Pilate’s wife’s dream.
The Gospel of Matthew Jesus’ Crucifixion (32-51). Divided His clothes (Ps 22:18). Gall & Vinegar (oxos “sour wine). Inscription (cf. John 19:19-20). Mocking & Jesus exclamation (Psalm 22:1,8).
The Gospel of Matthew Jesus’ Crucifixion (32-51). Thieves mock (cf. Luke 23:39-43). Veil of temple torn (Heb 10:19-21). Saints resurrected. Buried in Joseph’s tomb.
The Gospel of Matthew Next Week: Matthew 28:1-20