Writing Learning Objectives Workshop Jamila Harris Educational Developer
Instructional Lead-In: Learning objectives ensure learners are headed in the right direction. Objectives tell us which street we are on, what time we need to be there and what the road conditions are.
Terminal Learning Objective Action: Develop effective learning objectives Condition: Given a handout with Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Standard: Develop learning objectives in accordance with guidelines identified in the Learning Objectives Rubric.
Administrative Notes Safety Requirements: General Risk Assessment: Low Environmental Considerations: None Evaluation Instructional Lead-In: Learning and the Brain
Vocabulary Terminal Learning Objective Enabling Learning Objective Bloom’s Taxonomy Cognitive Domain
ADDIE Process Design Phase The systems approach to training better known as ADDIE is a five-phase process that ensures education and training provide people with skills and knowledge to do their jobs efficiently and effectively. Training/education objectives are formulated as a result of the analysis process. They are derived from task performance specifications. The specifications that describe how the task is actually performed, under what conditions it is performed, and how well the individual must perform it. They are the task performance details needed to establish the individual training strategy and to design and develop follow-on training. The specifications are -- Task title. Task number. Task performance standard. Task performance condition. Task performance steps. ·· Supporting skills and knowledge for each performance step. ·· References required for performance step. ·· Safety factors, hazards, and considerations associated with for each performance step. ·· Environmental factors and considerations associated with for each performance step. ·· Equipment and materials required to perform the performance step. ·· Supporting individual task(s) performed as part of or in support of the individual task being analyzed. Performance measures. Supported individual task(s). Supported collective task(s). Army Universal task List (AUTL) supported task. Task certification requirements (if applicable).
Critical Tasks and Objectives Objectives are based on Critical Tasks that contain: Action Statement Condition Statement Standard Statement
Definition of Learning Objective (LO) “A LO is a statement describing student performance to demonstrate competency in the material being taught in a formal training environment.” TR 350-70 (VI-6-6 Learning Objective (LO) Descriptive Details) Learning objectives are basically statements which describe what the learner is expected to accomplish as a result of instruction. They are derived from the skill and knowledge requirements identified during a task analysis, and they fall into two distinct categories: terminal and enabling objectives. Terminal learning objective-what student must be capable of performing after lesson completion. Enabling learning objectives support student learning the TLO. (Optional for lesson plans but required for computer-based instruction.
Types of Learning Objectives Terminal Learning Objectives (TLO) Enabling Learning Objectives (ELO) Only one per lesson. Has only one verb. Contains main objective of a lesson. Fully describe in action, conditions, and standards the performance required to demonstrate competency. Has only one verb. Supports the TLO. Is optional for lessons; is required for CBI.
How can we select verbs with fewer interpretations? Levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy
Verbs with Many Interpretations Understand Know Believe Appreciate
Check on Learning What process does the Army use to develop training? SAT better known as ADDIE What phase during the ADDIE process do you write learning objectives? Design
Action Statement Description of the action or behavior – or what the student is to do. Good or Bad? Understand Bloom’s taxonomy. Vague Not an action verb Not measurable or observable
Conditions Statement Gives an initiating cue and/or describes what the students will be given or denied, and under what circumstances they must work to perform. Good or Bad? Given a personal computer, Word, and printer, create a two-page document that is correctly formatted with no spelling mistakes. Personal computer, Word, and printer
Standard Statement Describes how well the task will be performed. Good or Bad? Given a personal computer, printer, and PowerPoint, create a presentation with at least 10 slides.. at least 10 slides
Is the learning objective written correctly? Develop and evaluate appropriate multiple-choice questions to measure student achievement of the objective. Condition: Given learning objectives and TR 350-70, Standard: MC test items meets guidelines established in TR 350-70. Learning objectives consist of three parts: action, condition, and standard. (Implied-Conditions (classroom environment, pencil, paper, etc) Standard without error.
Practical Exercise Write a terminal learning objective for a Program of Instruction (POI). You have 1 minute to write your objective. Turn your index card over when you are finished.
Learning Objective Rubric Did the learning objective begin with a verb? Is the learning objective measurable or observable? Does the learning objective have 3 parts: action statement, condition statement, and standard statement? Does the action statement describe exactly what the student must do at the end of instruction? Does the condition statement reflect training conditions? Does the standard statement identify how well the objective must be performed? Is the learning objective written in present tense?
Action: Create a Program of Instruction (POI). Condition: Given access to the Automated Systems Approach to Training (ASAT) database and/or Training Development Capability (TDC) and TRADOC Regulation 350-70, Standard: POI includes the following criteria in accordance with TR 350-70: Lesson title and number Task(s) taught, supported, and/or reinforced TLO ELO (if applicable) Learning steps/activities Method of instruction Instructor to student ratio Time of instruction (minutes) Media References Security Classification Resource requirements Lesson academic hours Testing requirements The POI-- Is-A POI covers a course/phase. It is a requirements document that provides a general description of course content, duration of instruction, and methods and techniques of instruction; and it lists resources required to conduct peacetime and mobilization training. Lists-Critical tasks and supporting skills and knowledge taught, including distance learning phases of the course. Addresses-Both peacetime and mobilization training programs, if applicable. The mobilization portion of a POI is termed a Mobilization POI (MOB POI). The TRAS is a long-range planning and management process for the timely development of peacetime and mobilization individual training. Minimum essential requirements of the TRAS process: (1) ITP (2) CAD (3) POI TR 350-70 VI-6-10 Lesson Outline The primary lesson design outputs are as follows: Detailed lesson outlines that include: 1)Learning Objectives 2)Learning steps/activities 3)Methods of instruction 4)Delivery techniques 5)References 6)Media selection
Action: Develop a lesson outline, Condition: Given lesson design outputs, TR 350-70, and access to the Automated Systems Approach to Training (ASAT) database, Standard: Lesson outline includes the following criteria in accordance with TR 350-70: Lesson title and number Task(s) taught, supported, and/or reinforced TLO ELO (if applicable) Learning steps/activities Method of instruction Instructor to student ratio Time of instruction (minutes) Media References Security Classification Resource requirements Lesson academic hours Testing requirements TR 350-70 VI-6-10 Lesson Outline The primary lesson design outputs are as follows: Detailed lesson outlines that include: 1)Learning Objectives 2)Learning steps/activities 3)Methods of instruction 4)Delivery techniques 5)References 6)Media selection
Reflection Session How did you feel during the learning experience? Why? Did you learn or relearn something? Do you think that the workshop content was applicable to your current position? What suggestion(s) do you have for improving the training session?