Be Thankful. Appreciate what you have.
If you think you’re unhappy… …look at them.
If you wish you had more money… …think about her
If you think you don’t have many friends… …he’s not complaining.
If you feel like giving up… …think of this man.
If you think you suffer in life… …do you think you suffer as much as him?
Do you complain about your transport system? Well…at least you’ve got a safe method of transportation.
If you think life is unfair… …think about her. …or them.
If you wish you had new shoes… …she probably wishes the same thing too.
Do you hate school? They go despite the fact that they don’t even have a school.
Do you complain about your mom’s cooking? This mother wishes she had something to cook.
Are you still complaining?
Observe the world around you and be thankful for what you have.
Let it also inspire you to make a change. We are fortunate and have more than enough to make us content. Be inspired to change someone’s life by wanting less and giving more.
Just changing the way you see your world can improve the world.
Improving our world is as simple as being thankful for what you already have.
And you have the power to make that change.