Flexibility Training By Eliza and Maeve
Types of Flexibility Training There are four types of flexibility training - Static Ballistic Dynamic PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation)
PNF PNF stretching is one of the most effective forms of flexibility training for increasing range of motion. PNF techniques can be both passive or active. While there are several variations of PNF stretching, they all have one thing in common- they facilitate muscular inhibitation.
Static There are two types of static training- Static active and static passive. Static active- this refers to the ability to stretch an antagonist muscle using only the tension in the antagonist muscle. Static passive- the ability to hold a stretch using body weight or some other external force.
Dynamic The ability to perform dynamic movements within the full range of motion in the joint. Common examples include twisting from side to side or kicking an imaginary ball. Dynamic flexibility is generally more sport-specific than other forms of mobility.
Ballistic Ballistic stretching involves active muscular effort similar to dynamic stretching. However, ballistic stretching uses a bouncing or jerking movement to increase the stretch.
Sports requiring flexibility All Athletes need or use flexibility training although some sports need it more than others. Gymnastics, diving, figure skating, wrestling, cheerleading, martial arts and skiing all specifically require flexibility training to execute a certain move. Sports requiring flexibility
Which type of flexibility training is best? It depends on the sport and the athletes outcomes- something which will be examined more closely in the articles below. As a general rule, dynamic stretches are used as part of a warm up and static stretches or PNF flexibility training is used for increasing range of motion. Which type of flexibility training is best?