Animal Farm Anticipation Guide February 5, 2014
Number One All people are equal.
Usually, the best and brightest people become leaders. Number Two Usually, the best and brightest people become leaders.
People who are smarter should rule over those who are less smart. Number Three People who are smarter should rule over those who are less smart.
People who are uneducated are easier to control than those who are. Number Four People who are uneducated are easier to control than those who are.
People are always free to make their own choices. Number Five People are always free to make their own choices.
The government does what is best for the people. Number Six The government does what is best for the people.
The media can always be believed. Number Seven The media can always be believed.
Power corrupts those in power. Number Eight Power corrupts those in power.
You should follow the instructions of those in power without question. Number Nine You should follow the instructions of those in power without question.
Is freedom necessary to be happy? Number Ten Is freedom necessary to be happy?