Dig Site 16 Red Level Questions
Into whose hands did the Lord deliver the Israelites for 40 years? (13:1) 1.The Egyptians 2.The Philistines 3.The Jebusites
Into whose hands did the Lord deliver the Israelites for 40 years? (13:1) 1.The Egyptians 2.The Philistines 3.The Jebusites
What did Manoah and his wife not have? (13:2) 1.Children 2.A home of their own 3.Cattle
What did Manoah and his wife not have? (13:2) 1.Children 2.A home of their own 3.Cattle
Who appeared to Manoah’s wife? (13:3) 1.The Philistine king 2.The angel of the Lord 3.The Midianite king
Who appeared to Manoah’s wife? (13:3) 1.The Philistine king 2.The angel of the Lord 3.The Midianite king
What did the angel first say to Manoah’s wife? (13:3) 1.“You are going to become pregnant and give birth to a son.” 2.“Your clan is the weakest in Israel.” 3.“Your husband is going to die soon.”
What did the angel first say to Manoah’s wife? (13:3) 1.“You are going to become pregnant and give birth to a son.” 2.“Your clan is the weakest in Israel.” 3.“Your husband is going to die soon.”
What instructions did the angel give to Manoah’s wife? (13:4) 1.“Drink no wine or other fermented drink.” 2.“Do not eat anything unclean.” 3.Both answers are correct.
What instructions did the angel give to Manoah’s wife? (13:4) 1.“Drink no wine or other fermented drink.” 2.“Do not eat anything unclean.” 3.Both answers are correct.
What could not be used on Manoah’s son’s head? (13:5) 1.Shampoo 2.A razor 3.A brush
What could not be used on Manoah’s son’s head? (13:5) 1.Shampoo 2.A razor 3.A brush
What did the angel say Manoah’s son would take the lead in? (13:5) 1.“Delivering Israel from the hands of the Philistines” 2.“The rebuilding of the land of Canaan” 3.Both answers are correct.
What did the angel say Manoah’s son would take the lead in? (13:5) 1.“Delivering Israel from the hands of the Philistines” 2.“The rebuilding of the land of Canaan” 3.Both answers are correct.
What did Manoah do after his wife told him what the angel said? (13:7-8) 1.Prayed and asked the Lord to send the man of God again to teach them how to bring up the boy 2.Ran away to Midian 3.Both answers are correct.
What did Manoah do after his wife told him what the angel said? (13:7-8) 1.Prayed and asked the Lord to send the man of God again to teach them how to bring up the boy 2.Ran away to Midian 3.Both answers are correct.
Who heard Manoah’s prayer? (13:9) 1.A judge 2.God 3.Samson
Who heard Manoah’s prayer? (13:9) 1.A judge 2.God 3.Samson
Why did Manoah want the angel of God to stay? (13:15) 1.They wanted to prepare a young goat for him. 2.They wanted to find out if he was telling the truth. 3.They wanted to give him a place to sleep.
Why did Manoah want the angel of God to stay? (13:15) 1.They wanted to prepare a young goat for him. 2.They wanted to find out if he was telling the truth. 3.They wanted to give him a place to sleep.
What did the angel tell Manoah and his wife to do with the burnt offering? (13:16) 1.“Throw it away.” 2.“Give it to the poor.” 3.“Offer it to the Lord.”
What did the angel tell Manoah and his wife to do with the burnt offering? (13:16) 1.“Throw it away.” 2.“Give it to the poor.” 3.“Offer it to the Lord.”
What did the angel of the Lord say was beyond understanding? (13:18) 1.His name 2.The ways of the Lord 3.His thoughts
What did the angel of the Lord say was beyond understanding? (13:18) 1.His name 2.The ways of the Lord 3.His thoughts
What did Manoah sacrifice to the Lord? (13:19) 1.A year-old lamb 2.A grain offering and a young goat 3.Both answers are correct.
What did Manoah sacrifice to the Lord? (13:19) 1.A year-old lamb 2.A grain offering and a young goat 3.Both answers are correct.
What amazing thing happened while Manoah and his wife watched the burnt offering? (13:19-20) 1.“The Lord descended in a flame.” 2.“The angel of the Lord ascended in the flame.” 3.Both answers are correct.
What amazing thing happened while Manoah and his wife watched the burnt offering? (13:19-20) 1.“The Lord descended in a flame.” 2.“The angel of the Lord ascended in the flame.” 3.Both answers are correct.
What did Manoah and his wife do after they saw the angel ascend in the flame? (13:20) 1.They “fell with their faces to the ground.” 2.They “ran away in fear.” 3.“They offered another offering.”
What did Manoah and his wife do after they saw the angel ascend in the flame? (13:20) 1.They “fell with their faces to the ground.” 2.They “ran away in fear.” 3.“They offered another offering.”
What did Manoah say when he realized they had seen the angel of the Lord? (13:21-22) 1.“We are doomed to die!” 2.“We have seen God!” 3.Both answers are correct.
What did Manoah say when he realized they had seen the angel of the Lord? (13:21-22) 1.“We are doomed to die!” 2.“We have seen God!” 3.Both answers are correct.
What did Manoah’s wife name her son? (13:24) 1.Gideon 2.Manoah, Jr 3.Samson
What did Manoah’s wife name her son? (13:24) 1.Gideon 2.Manoah, Jr 3.Samson
What happened to Samson while he was in Mahaneh Dan? (13:25) 1.“He fell in love.” 2.“The Spirit of the Lord began to stir him.” 3.Both answers are correct.
What happened to Samson while he was in Mahaneh Dan? (13:25) 1.“He fell in love.” 2.“The Spirit of the Lord began to stir him.” 3.Both answers are correct.
Finish this verse: “The Lord delights in those who fear him, who…” (Psalm 147:11) 1.“ put their hope in his unfailing love.” 2.“…love him, and respect him.” 3.“…stay far from all evil.”
Finish this verse: “The Lord delights in those who fear him, who…” (Psalm 147:11) 1.“ put their hope in his unfailing love.” 2.“…love him, and respect him.” 3.“…stay far from all evil.”