1 RTWG Report to TAC June 4, 2009 Henry Durrwachter
2 Activities to Date Met monthly in April and May Completed first draft of the Texas Renewables Integration Plan (TRIP) Completed draft of 2 nd Quarterly Report Heard presentations from industry leaders in the areas of: –Vehicle to Grid (V2G) storage technology –Battery storage technologies Set tentative date for Wind Workshop III (June 18, 2009)
3 Texas Renewables Integration Plan (TRIP) The TRIP is detailed look at many of the policies, issues and strategies impacting the development and integration of renewable resources in the competitive electricity market in ERCOT. It is a living document that will be updated annually (typically in February each year).
4 TRIP Table of Contents I. Texas Renewables Integration Plan Overview A.TRIP Purpose and Procedure B.TRIP Input Process C.TRIP Change Control Process D.TRIP Structure II.Public Policy Considerations A.Federal Policy Considerations B.State Policy Considerations C.Related ERCOT Policy Implementation Activities III.Technical Considerations A.Approach to Emerging Technologies B.Maintaining and Institutionalizing Technical Knowledge C.Incorporating Technical Knowledge into ERCOT Functions D.ERCOT and Stakeholder Resource Requirements IV.Market Design Considerations A.Approach to Emerging Technologies B. Approach to Variable Generation Technologies C.Texas Nodal Market Transition D.Ancillary Services E.Performance Metrics V.Key Issues and Strategies for Resolution A.Texas Nodal Market Transition Issues B.Application of ERCOT and Stakeholder Resources to TRIP Activities C.System Planning Issues D.System Operations Issues E.Market Design Issues F.Workshops and Training VI.Appendices
5 The TRIP Quarterly Report A separate document, the TRIP Quarterly Update, will be provided after the end of every calendar quarter (i.e., March, June, September and December) to the ERCOT Board and the PUCT to inform those bodies of status of renewable resources installed in ERCOT and the disposition of various issues identified by the RTWG and assigned to ERCOT subcommittees, task forces and working groups to resolve.
6 TRIP Quarterly Update (Draft) Total wind generating capacity = 8,135 MW (through May, 2009) New wind generation added in since February, 2009: –Goat Wind (Phase 2) 70 MW (Sterling County) New Renewable Resources with Signed Interconnect Agreements (1,100 MW) since February, 2009: –Senate Wind (150 MW)(Jack County) –Lenorah Wind (200 MW)(Frio County) –Sterling Energy Center (300 MW)(Sterling County) –Langford Wind Power (150 MW)(Tom Green County) –Panther Creek 3 Wind (200 MW)(Concho County) –Nacogoches Biomass (100 MW) (Nacogdoches County)
7 ERCOT Wind Generating Capacity
8 Questions for TAC Does the TRIP document capture all the necessary information for the Board and PUCT? Does the TRIP quarterly update provide adequate information? Does the quarterly update need to coincide with calendar quarters (i.e., March/June/Sept/Dec)?
9 Next Steps Finalize TRIP based on feedback from TAC, ERCOT Board, and PUCT (July). Work with ERCOT Operations to finalize schedule and speakers for Wind Workshop III. Establish timelines for each identified issue. Develop and begin review of whitepapers for issues in the Undetermined category. Assign new issues identified to the appropriate ERCOT subcommittee.
10 Questions?