Randall Stephenson Chairman and CEO, AT&T GSMA Mobile World Congress 15 February, 2011
content … use 3 or more devices to access the same content computergame consoletvsmartphonetablet nearly half of U.S. consumers … Source: AT&T consumer survey (conducted by Burke, Dec 2010)
games applications voicemusicvideo computergame console tvsmartphonetablet … seamless access to all content across all platforms, devices, operating systems customers expect …
$5B ‘01‘02‘04‘03‘05‘06‘07‘08 Source: CTIA U.S. SMS Revenue $26M text messaging
$5B $26M ‘01‘02‘04‘03‘05‘06‘07‘08 Source: CTIA text messaging U.S. SMS Revenue
digital news
seamless access to content 4G networks cloud catalyst for change
most open to innovation network
increased spectrum light regulation easy, seamless access to content and applications keys to industry growth
Randall Stephenson Chairman and CEO, AT&T GSMA Mobile World Congress 15 February, 2011