White Hill Middle School Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Ross Valley School District Community Meeting November 1, 2011
Introductions Amy Skewes-Cox, AICP: Project Manager Amy Skewes-Cox, AICP: Project Manager ESA: San Francisco Environmental Firm ESA: San Francisco Environmental Firm Biological Resources Biological Resources Cultural Resources Cultural Resources Geology and Soils Geology and Soils Hydrology and Water Quality Hydrology and Water Quality Hazards and Hazardous Materials Hazards and Hazardous Materials Transportation/Traffic Transportation/Traffic Air Quality and Noise Air Quality and Noise
Overview of CEQA Process Preparation of Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) Preparation of Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) Determination that all impacts can be mitigated and an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) not needed Determination that all impacts can be mitigated and an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) not needed 30-day public comment period 30-day public comment period Adoption of IS/MND prior to approval of project Adoption of IS/MND prior to approval of project Adoption of Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program prior to approval of project Adoption of Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program prior to approval of project
Subjects Evaluated Aesthetics Aesthetics Agricultural and Forest Resources Agricultural and Forest Resources Biological Resources* Biological Resources* Cultural Resources* Cultural Resources* Geology and Soils Geology and Soils Greenhouse Gas Emissions Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hazards and Hazardous Materials* Hazards and Hazardous Materials* Hydrology and Water Quality Hydrology and Water Quality Land Use and Planning Mineral Resources Noise* Population and Housing Public Services Recreation Transportation/Traffic* Utilities and Service Systems * Impact identified and mitigation measure recommended
Impacts Identified Biological: Bats (species of concern) impacted by removal of trees or buildings; nesting birds impacted during construction; impacts to riparian trees Biological: Bats (species of concern) impacted by removal of trees or buildings; nesting birds impacted during construction; impacts to riparian trees Cultural: Inadvertent discovery of historical, archaeological, or paleontological resources Cultural: Inadvertent discovery of historical, archaeological, or paleontological resources Hazards: Potential impacts to groundwater and soils from construction activities Hazards: Potential impacts to groundwater and soils from construction activities Noise: Construction noise Noise: Construction noise Traffic: Trip generation during peak hours and traffic safety Traffic: Trip generation during peak hours and traffic safety
Mitigation Measures Bat surveys and special precautions such as buffer zones Bat surveys and special precautions such as buffer zones Surveys for active bird nests and buffer zones Surveys for active bird nests and buffer zones Limited trimming of riparian trees and replacement of any riparian trees subject to CDFG approval Limited trimming of riparian trees and replacement of any riparian trees subject to CDFG approval Protocol for inadvertent discovery of cultural resources Protocol for inadvertent discovery of cultural resources Best management construction practices to reduce potential for hazardous impacts to soils/groundwater Best management construction practices to reduce potential for hazardous impacts to soils/groundwater Noise reduction measures and limited cons. Hours Noise reduction measures and limited cons. Hours Encourage transit usage Encourage transit usage Traffic Management and Safety Plan Traffic Management and Safety Plan
Next Steps Comment period closes November 17, 2011 Comment period closes November 17, 2011 District will review comments (responses not required) District will review comments (responses not required) Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program to be finalized Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program to be finalized Adoption of the IS/MND and project scheduled for November 29, 2011 Adoption of the IS/MND and project scheduled for November 29, 2011
Contact Information Comments can be submitted to: Mr. George Baranoff, Bond Program Mgr. Ross Valley School District 110 Shaw Drive San Anselmo, CA Fax: