Pump-Up How do you think your life might be different after a Communist government leaves your country?
Changes after the Cold War
Today’s Vocabulary Tiananmen Square – Massacre in China in which hundreds are killed who protest for democracy.
Poland and Hungary Reform Workers in Poland go on strike. – The gov’t gave into the union’s demands. In 1989, the Polish communist gov’t agreed to hold Poland’s first free elections. – Voted against Communist leaders. Poles remained unhappy with the pace of economic progress. – In 1995, they voted in favor of a former Communist leader. – New leader pushed for democracy and free markets. In Hungary, the Communist Party votes itself out of power.
Germany Reunifies Hungary allowed East German to cross the border into Austria and on into West Germany. – Thousands escape from East Germany. East Germany closed its borders entirely. – Demonstrations break out. Stability could be restored by allowing people to leave East Germany. – November 9th, 1989—Berlin Wall falls. – The East German Communist Party also falls. Germany reunifies in 1990 after they assured world leaders that Germany was now committed to democracy and human rights. – Germany will still face problems after unification— modernization of eastern Germany and unemployment.
Democracy Spreads in Czechoslovakia Protestors gathered to demand democracy and freedom in Czechoslovakia. – Many were arrested. – Students were brutally attacked. The communist gov’t resigns when 500,000 protesters crowded into Prague. Czechoslovakia split into two countries on January 1, – Slovakia – Czech Republic
Overthrow in Romania Romanian communist gov’t ordered the army to fire on demonstrators. – Killed and wounded hundreds of people. The massacre ignited a popular uprising against the communist. – Within days, the army joined the people. Communist leaders were then tried and executed.
Breakup of Yugoslavia Serbia began asserting their leadership over all of Yugoslavia. Bosnia-Herzegovina declared independence. – Very diverse population. The Serbian military used “ethnic cleansing” to rid themselves of Bosnians Muslims. – In 1995, the 3 sides involved in the war signed a UN led peace treaty. The Serbian military also invaded Kosovo when they began fighting for their independence. – NATO began bombing Yugoslavia. – 2 months later, Yugoslav leaders withdrew their troops from Kosovo. Serbia and Montenegro broke apart in 2003.
Differences Among Ethnic Groups in Yugoslavia GroupLanguageReligion AlbaniansAlbanianMuslim CroatsCroatianRoman Catholic HungariansMagyarMany types of Christians MacedoniansMacedonianEastern Orthodox MontenegrinsSerbianEastern Orthodox MuslimsBosnianIslam SerbsSerbianEastern Orthodox SlovenesSlovenianRoman Catholic
Differences Among Ethnic Groups in Yugoslavia
Legacy of Mao Zedong Mao Zedong had a hard time transforming China b/c of lack of modern technology and elimination of incentives for higher production. – Some Chinese Communists talked of modernizing the economy. Mao began the Cultural Revolution to cleanse China of anti-communist influences. – This turned many people against Communism.
China and the West In 1972, President Nixon made a visit to China. – Leaders from both countries agreed to begin cultural exchanges and a limited amount of trade. Moderates then took control of the Communist Party. – They jailed several of the radicals who had led the Cultural Revolution. – They were willing to use capitalist ideas to help China’s economy. The Four Modernizations called for progress in agriculture, industry, defense, and science and technology. – Eliminated communes and leased the land to individual farmers. – Permitted private businesses to operate. – Welcomed foreign technology and investment.
Massacre in Tiananmen Square Chinese students began to question China’s lack of political freedom. 100,000 students gathered in Tiananmen Square and protested for democracy. – As protests continued, more people poured into the area. On June 4, 1989, thousands of heavily armed soldiers stormed Tiananmen Square. – They killed hundreds and wounded thousands. This was the beginning of a massive gov’t campaign to stamp out protest. – Police arrested thousands of people. – The gov’t used the media to announce that reports of a massacre were untrue.