Flow-cleans ® Profi Powder No.1 Flow-cleans ® Profi Powder No.1 Contains: calcium carbonate (50-5µm)
The surface of the extracted tooth before treatment. The surface treated with Flow-cleans-profi Powder ! The possibility to create mirror-like surface by abrasive material after treatment is of special clinical interest. ! The possibility to create mirror-like surface by abrasive material after treatment is of special clinical interest.
Flow-cleans-profi Advantages Gentle removal of plaque, soft dental deposit and pigmentation as well as teeth whitening Proper cleaning of fissures before hermetization Effective pigmentation removal as well as teeth whitening Does not result in dental hyperesthesia Does not clog the hand piece of any air abrasion machine
Preventive cleaning of tooth enamel by sandblasting Designed for removal of plaque and soft deposits from the supragingival teeth surface and the exposed root Cleaning of fissures before hermetization Pigmentation and smoker's plaque removal Gentle enamel whitening which does not result in dental hyperesthesia INDICATIONS FOR USE
Individual intolerance. Use it carefully in patients with allergic reactions to food flavorings Do not use it for purposes other than intended ones No side effects provided that the product is properly stored, transported and the instruction for use is observed CONTRAINDICATIONSCONTRAINDICATIONS
Application of Powder No. 1 Flow-cleans-profi to clean the tooth cavity before filling. View of a cavity immediately after the root canals obturation View of a cavity after before the restoration
Powder No.1 Flow-cleans-profi is used according to method of sandblasting treatment by abrasive stream of water and air (Air-Flow). The tooth cavity before treatment After treatment by abrasive stream of water and air (Air-Flow)
Application of Powder No. 1 Flow-cleans-profi to clean the tooth cavity before filling
Poliren ® No. 1 paste Poliren ® No. 1 paste Contains acidic component (citric acid) and abrasive material Quick softening and removal of tartar Convenient targeted application Easy to wash away with a stream of water and air pleasant refreshing flavour
Application of Poliren No. 1 paste to remove the tooth plaque The view of teeth before treatment. After cleaning by paste
Successive application of Poliren No. 1 paste and Flow- cleans-profi powder
Initial state Teeth view after hygienic cleaning
Flow-cleans ® suspension suspension Contains calcium phosphate (3-5µm) ПОКАЗАНИЯ К ПРИМЕНЕНИЮ Dental plaque and subgingival calculus removal by ultrasonic method without damaging hard tissues. Flow-cleans suspension is applied according to instructions for units of VECTOR ultrasonic system-type
Effective cleaning of dental hard tissues Painless treatment Effective reaching less accessible areas Significant reduction of endotoxins without damaging tissues Atraumatic debridement Flow-cleans®suspensionFlow-cleans®suspension
Clinical case No. 1
Clinical case No. 2
Conclusion:Conclusion: Poliren No. 1, Flow-cleans-profi and Flow-cleans suspension are clinically effective and easy to use. They have optimal price-quality ratio Choice of medication depends on an individual clinical case Therapeutic effect of these medications is not only highly competitive with their foreign analogs, but in many parameters surpasses them.