Intermediary responsibility and safe harbors – why they matter
What is an “intermediary”?
Intermediaries are key enablers of the Internet’s success
The Internet depends on clear safe harbors for intermediaries
Existing safe harbors have been crucial to the Internet’s success Communications Decency Act Section 230 “Intermediaries should not be required to monitor user-generated content and should not be subject to extrajudicial content takedown rules which fail to provide sufficient protection for freedom of expression” – UN’s Joint Declaration of Freedom of Expression on the Internet
Safe harbors need to be broad, clear and practical
Intermediary responsibility and addressing misuse of the Internet
Attacking problems at the ends of the network Eg: Client side filtering tools
Safe harbors enable market solutions Eg: YouTube’s Content ID
Safe harbors enable market solutions Eg: Community guidelines and flagging tools
Safe harbors enable market solutions Eg: Spam
Pursue the most proportional response
Leave room for adaptation
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