Regional Consultation Ensuring Safe Hospitals and Health Facilities in Disasters 8-10 December 2008 Cambodiana Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodiana
Background UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR) and WHO World Campaign on Hospitals Safe from Disasters - One of the five priorities of Hyogo Framework of Action
Rationale hospitals and other health facilities should be functional during emergencies efforts are being undertaken to continue the momentum gained during the launch WHO WPRO committed to fulfill to support the campaign
Objectives increase awareness on hospitals and health facilities safe from disaster; review global, regional and country efforts for safe hospitals and health facilities; and develop recommendations on actions to be taken home to promote safe hospitals and health facilities
Methodology Plenary Sessions -Introduction: Campaign - Experts presentation - Sharing of Activities and Programmes on Safe Hospitals -Country presentations of current efforts
Workshops - Identification of gaps issues on the current efforts on safe hospitals -Recommendations for global, regional and national level activities -Prioritization of recommendations and consensus
CD will be given to all participants and resource persons