HDC Student Recognition and Student Celebration of Learning
Cougar Academic Success: Growth, and Performance Cougar Personal Development Cougar Character Development Cougar Citizenship Development Student Recognition and Celebration of Learning at HDC
Cougar Personal Development Cougar Personal Development includes: Setting goals and striving to reach your highest potential Maintaining a healthy lifestyle Demonstrating the ability to work through new situations Considering the consequences of your actions Being willing to consider new activities and show interest and curiosity about ideas, objects, events and resources Developing self-awareness about your learning profile and the using strategies based on experience and feedback
Cougar Academic Success: Growth, and Performance Cougar Personal Development Cougar Character Development Cougar Citizenship Development Student Recognition and Celebration of Learning at HDC
Cougar Citizenship Cougar Citizenship includes: Demonstrating an understanding of democratic rights and responsibility Demonstrating respect and appreciation for diversity and showing care and concern for others by being empathic, respectful, tolerant and kind Working and communicating effectively with others Showing an understanding of The school community The local community The global community
Cougar Academic Success: Growth, and Performance Cougar Personal Development Cougar Character Development Cougar Citizenship Development Student Recognition and Celebration of Learning at HDC
Cougar Character Development Cougar Character Development includes: Treating others with respect and compassion Making responsible decisions Demonstrating integrity through self-control, tolerance, acceptance and supporting community expectations Demonstrating commitment/dedication
Cougar Academic Success: Growth, and Performance Cougar Personal Development Cougar Character Development Cougar Citizenship Development Student Recognition and Celebration of Learning at HDC
Cougar Academic Success Cougar Academic Success Skills Knowledge Attitudes
Cougar Academic Success Cougar Academic Success Performance Growth
Cougar Academic Success - Growth Cougar Academic Growth includes: Showing improvement/growth in a variety of areas (ie. Learner Outcomes: Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes) Back
Cougar Academic Success - Performance Cougar Academic Performance includes: Cougar Plus 5: improvement of 5% in your overall average Cougar honourable Mention: overall average of 70% with no mark lower than 60% Cougar Honours: overall average of 80% with no mark lower than 70% Cougar Distinction: overall average of 90% with no mark lower than 80% Back
Cougar Academic Success: Growth, and Performance Cougar Personal Development Cougar Character Development Cougar Citizenship Development Student Recognition and Celebration of Learning at HDC End
H. D. Cartwright School