Nativity story By yoyo
An angel appeared from the sky.Mary wondered why the angel was there. Then the angel said “You are going to have a baby it will be the son of God and you must call him Jesus.” Mary was engaged to a man called Joseph.
Mary and Joseph were finally at Bethlehem. They knocked at a door and asked “Can we come in.” “No we don’t have space.” So they knocked again but the same thing happened. Then they went to another door an knocked and the kind innkeeper let them in a stable.
Mean while there was three wise men they found the biggest star they ever seen so they followed it and it leaded them to Mary and Joseph in the stable Then Jesus was born in the stable ! The three wise men gave Jesus some presents they were mere, frankiensence and gold.
That night the three wise men had a dream and it was about king herod that wanted to kill baby Jesus. So they went some where else nowhere near king herod.
So then they Mary,joseph and Baby Jesus went back to were they lived because they didn’t want Baby Jesus to get killed. The End