Pollutants in a Watershed 2.3.1Explain ocean currents develop and move 1
2.3.1Explain ocean currents develop and move How pollutants might flow through a watershed and affect inhabitants that share the same watershed 2.3.1Explain ocean currents develop and move 2
Impacts on Estuaries Excessive nutrients from sources such as failing septic tanks, sewage treatment plants, storm water runoff, atmospheric deposition, industrial organic waste discharge, and contaminated runoff from fertilized farms or yards or from animal operations affect estuarine systems. Pathogens & disease Habitat alteration toxic substances invasive species storm sewers 3
Global Water Availability 4
Drinking Water & Wastewater treatment systems (quality/quantity) Consumptive: water that is returned to the atmosphere as water vapor Non-consumptive: water that is returned, in liquid form, to the natural environment How Wastewater Affects You There never will be any more or any less water on Earth than there is right now all of the wastewater generated by our communities eventually returns to the environment to be used again. when wastewater receives inadequate treatment, the overall quality of the world’s water supply suffers. Virtual Tour of a Drinking Water Plant | Virtual Tour of Water Treatment Plant | US EPA 6 6
Arsenic concentrations in Ground water 7
Quality of NC Streams (chemical, physical properties, biotic index) Rivers, Streams, and Creeks Number of impaired waterbodies: 406 (cause not reported for 21%) Percent of Rivers, Streams and Creeks in NORTH CAROLINA assessed by agencies for 1997-98 reporting period: 89% Percent Waterbodies Affected Nonpoint Sources 73% Impairment source not reported 22% Municipal Point Sources 19% 8
Non-point source Pollution: large or dispersed land areas such as crop fields, streets, & lawns that discharge pollutants into the water over a large area Point source: Single source that discharges pollutants into the water ex: smokestack of a power plant, drainpipe of a factory. 9
Non Point/Point Source Pollution Industry Cities Urban Sprawl Construction sites 2.3.1Explain ocean currents develop and move 10
2.3.1Explain ocean currents develop and move Sedimentation, storm water runoff, naturally and human induced occurrences Naturally induced Human induced Storm runoff sedimentation 2.3.1Explain ocean currents develop and move 11
Conservation measures to maximize quality & quantity of available freshwater resources Every Drop Counts 12
Your choice matters... It will make a difference... The cost of just one case of (cheap) bottled water could supply a person in Africa with clean, safe drinking water for a year! http://thewaterproject.org/bottled_water.asp http://thewaterproject.org/ (Poem about water) You decide. 13