Chapter Six Time: One Period Plosives: 爆破音 /p, b//t, d//k, g/
Warming up exercise The robbers broke into the bank, but was soon caught by the police. The pickpocket was peeping into his pocket. Teddy hurt his foot and was taken to the doctor. Cut your coat according to your cloth.
/p, b/
Word-practice pear bear pull bull park bark rip rib cap cab cup cub happy shabby simple symbol
Pair work a big pear a pink bag happy news pile the books push the buttons shabby equipment
Sentences Peter is picking plums and apples. Barker and Parker bumped into each other in a park. Basketball is a popular sport in China.
/t, d/
Word-practice tear daretear dear seat seedbet bed hat had writer rider putting pudding center sender
Pair work cold tea hot bread a bright lad a back seat heat up the food
Sentences The timid rat is scared to death. The cart got stuck in the mud. Don’t waste time chatting all day long.
/k, g/
Word-practice card guardcurl girl cave gave back bag dock dogpick pig ankle angle ticking digging
Pair work a kind girl carry a log thick sticks take a look black dogs a sick worker
Sentences All that glitters is not gold. A good beginning makes a good ending. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.
Poem Where are you going, big pig, big pig? I’m going to dig in the garden. In the garden to dig! Disgraceful pig! Beg pardon, ma’am, beg pardon.
Good, better, best, Never let it rest, Until good is better, And better best.
Sound recognition 1.Stop doing that. 2.See you about four, then. 3.Sometimes I make mistakes in spelling. 4.I can’t understand this word. 5.I don’t think my husband would let me do that.
1. Review and remember the words, phrases, sentences, dialogues and the chant learned in class. 2. Make sentences and /or advertising slogans containing the plosives. 3. 完成课后练习 葆青编著 高等教育出版社出版 《实用英语 语音》 P28 、 P38 、 P46 练习 4. 完成课后练习 胡文仲 祝珏 马元曦 李贺 编 外语教学与研 究出版社出版 《大学英语教程》第一册 P13-15 练习 1 、 2 、 3 、 4 、 5 After-class Assignments