Colonial Villages, Towns, and Cities
Churches All villages had a church. Church was the “meeting place” in most villages. The church was the tallest and most important building.
Different Types of Churches Spanish Mission Catholic Made from stone, brick, stucco Grand, decorative (if possible) Colonial (New England) Protestant Wood, eventually brick Very simple and plain, why?
Village green Open space in the middle of town. Common place for gatherings Livestock could graze on the green Training ground for the militia
Blacksmith Almost all villages had a blacksmith. Blacksmith would use heat and tools to shape iron. Shop was often dirty because of soot from the fire.
Blacksmith continued He would make and repair any metal items…including farming tools. Watch a coloinal blacksmith make nails. Wmo Wmo If you needed a tooth pulled…you went to the blacksmith.
…other artisans Weaver…made clothhttp:// Cooper…barrelshttp:// 3H8FzUhttp:// 3H8FzU Cobbler…shoes Wheelwright…wheels Silversmith…worked with silver (just like a blacksmith worked with iron) Carpenter…worked with wood Shipwright…build ships There are many more…
Merchant Bought and sold goods…after all, people in the village need “stuff.” They would have sold goods such as: – Flour and sugar – Dinnerware – Cloth – Rum – Salted meats – Tea shipped from other British colonies (india)
Colonial Signs Most people in Colonial America couldn’t read. So signs had pictures to tell them what the shop made or sold. Look at the following slides and see if you can figure out what these shops do.