Servers and sellers training programme Magdalena Luty Polish Spirits Industry (PPS) Dublin, 24 th April 2009
OUTLINE Background Description of the programme and tools „Know – how” Evaluation Outcomes
REALITY alcohol – related issues are very simplified in Poland only consuming vodka & strong drinks is seen as a potentional problem irresponsible consumtion is linked only to some kind of alcoholic beverages
CHALLENGES proffesional trainers persuading local authorities active participation municipal goverment encouraging potentional participants local media support
5 TRAINING IN POLAND WHO? Trainings are conducted: PPS company members HOW? two - hour training course "Server's Guide" training book covering the subjects raised during the training session.
6 TRAINING IN POLAND SERVER`S GUIDE: translated ICAP guide adopted to Polish conditions consulted with authorities and organizations
7 CAMPAIGN IN POLAND EVALUATION TEST The first part contains questions about law and requirements for alcohol point – sales. The second part presents questions about general perception of training.
8 CAMPAIGN IN POLAND RESULTS About 82 % appraise the matter of training and consider it as useful in daily work. 79 % would like to repeat training on the same or similar subject. Generally training were evaluated as good and very good by more than 87 % participators.