Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Bert van Pinxteren General Assembly, Porto, Portugal Transition to one GÉANT Annual Review June, 2015 Chief Administrative Officer
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People The first report to highlights the achievements of both (ex-) TERENA and DANTE. Matches the new corporate visual identity. Uses thematic chapters (e.g. storage and clouds, security) Demonstrates value to you as our members and to others participating in our activities Focus on results, not processes Published online (pdf), but kept it in a suitable format for high- quality printing. 2 Key features
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 3 Sample page – focus on the new organisation
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 4 Sample page – focus on the physical network
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Thank you and any questions Networks ∙ Services ∙ People © GEANT Limited on behalf of the GN4 Phase 1 project. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No (GN4-1). 5