Making PROGRES Toward Institutional Sustainability Capacity Strengthening Session I Judith B. Seltzer, MPH, MBA Eliana Monteforte, MPH
Introducing Segalia
Quick Facts Located in Middle America Population of about 8 million 55%/45% rural/urban split Population growth is 2.2% TFR has dropped from 4.9 (2000) to 3.3 (2010) 65% married and in-union women use some type of contraception (15-49); 56% use modern contraception Unmet demand is 25% (higher in rural areas)
Enter SEFA
SEFA SEFA’s vision is to be recognized as the leading organization in the delivery of quality health services to women and families, an organization backed by strong technical, administrative and financial systems. SEFA’s mission is to help improve the quality of life of Segalians by coupling high quality health products, services and programs with proven SBCC interventions to drive demand for, and uptake of, important family health services.
Quick Facts Located in capital city of Galapa 6 regional centers with: –22 smaller centers –3 clinical laboratories –3 laboratories that specialize in Pap smears 1500 community distribution points and 300 non-traditional points of sale (markets, etc.) Emerging Social and Behavior Change Program Nearly 180 professional staff
Product and Service Scope Family planning products Counseling Clinical services for men, women and children Dentistry Optometry Psychology Laboratory tests
Programs Medical Services Adolescent Health Quality Assurance Community Distribution Social and Behavior Change Communication
Purpose To gauge an organization’s development and performance across a spectrum of domains. To assess an organization’s transition toward institutional, programmatic and financial sustainability. To draft and implement capacity and institutional development plans that can help an organization elevate its performance and progress along the development continuum.
Domains Core Domains Governance and Leadership Finance, Operations and Administration Resource Mobilization Human Resources Management Program Management Communications Monitoring and Evaluation, and Knowledge Management Social and Behavior Change Communication Optional Domains Advocacy, Networking, and Alliance Building Service Delivery and Quality Assurance Coordination and Collaboration Grants and Sub-grants Management
Structure Each domain has sub- domains with three to six ideal practices within each sub-domain. The domains and sub- domains in the tool are also created to be adaptable according to the organization’s context.
Sustainability Factors Sustainability is broken down into three distinct areas: institutional, financial, and programmatic. PROGRES-SBCC allows organizations to see how the domains contribute to each area of sustainability. PROGRES-SBCC illuminates where organizational stunting occurs, so that capacity building efforts can focus, not only on underperforming domains, but also on those domains that are impeding an organization’s sustainability.
Application Phase I: Pre-assessment –Meeting with senior team to secure buy-in –Training of facilitators Phase II: Review of Systems by Domain –This is done in teams consisting of those working in the particular area being assessed and the facilitators –All scores are to be supported by evidence Phase III: Consensus Workshop –The User Guide includes a sample agenda for the workshop, which is spread over two days Phase IV: Reporting, Planning and Monitoring –Write PROGRES-SBCC report –Draft PROGRES-SBCC action plan –Schedule monitoring visits –Conduct follow-up PROGRES-SBCC
Scoring NOTE: The Excel Workbook automatically rounds the scores to the lowest whole number to reflect complete compliance with the performance requirements of that stage.
Dashboard: Systems Performance
Dashboard: Sustainability Factors
Action Plan Template
CASE EXERCISE Findings from PROGRES_SBCC: Governance and Leadership
Instructions 1.Review hand-out. 2.Complete the PROGRES_SBCC worksheet by hand. 3.Log on to computer and go to PROGRES_SBCC workbook. 4.Go to the Tab, entitled “Governance & Leadership.” 5.Enter the data from the hard copy of the worksheet.
Discussion Questions What is going well with SEFA’s Governance & Leadership practices? What are the weak sub-domains? What would you suggest SEFA do to address weak areas?