CEP 680 Career Intervention: Planning a Career Day Presented By: Rachel Depner Jessica Stewart
Demographics Urban Community Center –After school program for identity development for elementary-aged girls Low SES Mostly minority ethnicities Girls 8-10 years old
Purpose To expose minority girls to careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) fields Before interest in these fields declines in middle and high school Specifically to expose girls to minority role models in STEM professions
Rationale Faoud et al. –Barriers for females in STEM careers Gender role beliefs Low aspirations Lack of role models Low self-efficacy
Rationale Shamanoff –Women Mentor Project development of self esteem & leadership abilities & career awareness female elementary & middle & senior high school students
Rationale Ferrari (dissertation) –career exposure and participation in career preparation learning experiences significantly contributed to an explanation of career preparation self-efficacy beliefs
Career Theoretical Orientation Social Cognitive Career Theory Person Inputs interact with Contextual Factors and Learning Experiences to influence Self-Efficacy Beliefs & Outcome Expectations
NYS CDOS Standards Standard 1: Career Development –Students will be knowledgeable about the world of work, explore career options, and relate personal skills, aptitudes, and abilities to future career decisions. Standard 2: Integrated Learning –Students will demonstrate how academic knowledge and skills are applied in the workplace and other settings.
Community Agency Career Day Group Size: Elementary-aged girls (caregivers and friends are invited to join the group for this session). Time Required: –2-3 hours for event –A lot of preparation time (starting a few months in advance)
Materials Needed Letters –To ask professional women to speak –To confirm after they respond –To thank them for coming Room/chairs Refreshments for guests Volunteers to help with set-up
References Shamanoff, G. A. (1985). The Women Mentor Project: A sharing approach. Roeper Review: A Journal On Gifted Education, 7(3), doi: / Fouad, N. A., Hackett, G., Smith, P. L., Kantamneni, N., Fitzpatrick, M., Haag, S., & Spencer, D. (2010). Barriers and supports for continuing in mathematics and science: Gender and educational level differences. Journal Of Vocational Behavior, 77(3), doi: /j.jvb Ferrari, T. (1999, April). Career preparation self-efficacy of elementary-age children: An examination of person, social context, and career preparation learning experience variables. Dissertation Abstracts International, 59,