Belgrade, June 2012
Results Organized 13 advocacy campaigns and 3 networking events between January - May 2012 Supported more than 40 CSOs across the country 40 CSO 3 activities 13 campaings Issues and areas covered: Voting rights Human rights protection Worker rights Youth issues (youth violence, first-time voters) Ecology and waste management Digital activism Government accountability and transparency
Traditional media New media - news portals, - social media, - ISC site, - YouTube, Facebook and Twitter Street actions and public events ISC’s Communication Channels
Between Jan-May 2012, 296 media references about ISC-supported campaigns in traditional print and electronic media outlets. Traditional media MediaNumber of media outputs from June 1, 2011 till January 1, 2012 Number of media outputs from January 1, 2012 till May 31, 2012 Print42153 TV2573 Radio1070
5 times more online reports about ISC-supported CSO campaings than at the start of the year 6 times greater number of Facebook “likes” More than 23,000 Facebook “likes” More than 7,000 Twitter followers New media
Mr. George Hamilton, ISC President, interviewed by national-level media outlets
Promotion of ISC’s Mobile Advocacy School (MAS) Advocacy Academy
ISC Serbia Website Stats The ISC Serbia Website is an important source of information for new developments and/or activities in the civic sector in Serbia. The number of visitors has grown by 2.5 times since the start of the year, with over 5,000 unique visitors in May 2012.
Between Jan-May 2012: 18 blogs and 11 success stories published Contributors to the site include journalists, PR experts, CSO activists, citizens, public institutions, etc. Topics covered include: Voting rights Human rights protection Worker rights Gender issues Youth issues (youth violence, first-time voters) Ecology and waste management Digital activism and role of new media Decentralization Articles & Topics
Facebook statistics Number of “likes” doubled More than 3000 likes in May Number of positive reactions to FB posts 2.5 times greater Numer of times posts were shared by ISC’s FB friends tripled
Number of Twitter followers increased by 50% Over 1,300 Twitter followers Number of “retweets” doubled Twitter influnce measured by Klout analytics jumped from 40 to 45 (on a scale from 1-100) Klout increase to 45 2x more retweets 50% more followers
‘Citizens Await the President’ Event at the Ozone Gallery in Belgrade on May 20 RTS & B92 reported live from the event on the night of the presidential run-off; 5.4 million people watched; Second largest online news portal (with 4,2 million pageviews on May 20) posted news from the event; Numerous traditional and social media sites covered the event. Regular support provided to members of PR teams in ISC- supported CSOs. ISC’s MAS Advocacy Academy The Mobile Advocacy School (MAS) training on social enterprises held for 30 CSO representatives to learn how their organizations can benefit from establishing social enterprises.