STUDENT COUNCIL UM (1 representative) Student council FACULTY (8+1 representatives) Council of 1st year (4+1 representatives) 1st Year Council of 2nd year (4+1 representatives) 2nd Year Council of 3rd year (4+1 representatives) 3rd Year Council of 4th year (4+1 representatives) 4th Year
ELECTIONS In general: Every student has the right to vote or be elected. Elections are taken respecting the Announcement by the vice-rector for student affairs. A Student election committee of a faculty is obliged to perform the elections to the faculty’s student council. However, there is an active Student election committee of the University functioning as a board on the second level.
STUDENT COUNCIL OF THE YEAR Student councils of years solve problems of a year. A Student council of the year: discuss questions, important for the pedagogical work and study results proposes means to strengthen cooperation between teachers and students elects a member who becomes together with the year’s president a member of the faculty’s Student council Student councils of year have 4 members and 1 president.
STUDENT COUNCIL OF THE FACULTY The Student council of a faculty represents the faculty’s students. A Student council of a faculty: gives opinion to the Senate and University Student council elects a member of the University Student council and student representatives at the faculty gives opinion on candidates for a dean and for the vice-dean for student affairs accepts the program of interest activities of the faculty Student councils of faculty consist of about 8 members and a vice-dean for student affairs.
Student representatives are members of: The Senate of the faculty and its commissions The Academic Court of the faculty Disciplinary court of 1st degree Other standing committees Every committee must have at least one fifth of student members.
THE STUDENT COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY The Student council of the University is the highest board of students at the University. Its members discuss and give opinion on: general acts study programs It has the right to propose: candidates for the position of the rector of the University candidates for position of vice-rector for student affairs
The Student council has the following commissions: Commission for extracurricular activity, Commission for student affairs, Commission for social questions, Commission for international relations. The Student council of the University is one of the most important parts of processes and activities of University’s self- evaluation.
The Student council of the University elects members in the following constituent bodies and boards: Managing board of the University and its Commissions Senate of the University and its Commissions Habilitation commission Statute commission Commission for granting titles, recognitions and awards Commission for students’ complaints Disciplinary court of 2 nd degree
OFFICES OF THE STUDENT COUNCIL The chairperson of the Student council of the University is the Vice-rector for student affairs who cooperates with the Secretary of student council. The Student council of the University consists of the: Vice-rector members of the Student council of the University who are elected by the Student councils of faculties and dorms